Climate Bonds Blog

Posted: Apr 20, 2023


Climate Bonds captured USD858.5bn of new green, social, sustainability, sustainability-linked and transition (GSS+) volumes in 2022, 24% below the USD1.1tn recorded in 2021, marking the first time GSS+ volumes fell year-on-year in a decade. 2022 witnessed a contraction of the entire global bond market as soaring inflation caused fixed income markets to falter.

Green and Other Labelled Bonds Fought Inflation to reach USD858.5bn in 2022
Posted: Apr 12, 2023


Financiamento Sustentável: Securitização facilita acesso de pequenas empresas ao mercado de capitais e promove maior competitividade econômica
Posted: Apr 12, 2023



Securitisation in Brazil can help small businesses access debt capital markets
Posted: Apr 11, 2023

China e Brasil exploram oportunidades de investimento verde em agricultura sustentável
Posted: Apr 7, 2023
China and Brazil explore Green Investment Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
Posted: Apr 5, 2023

Novos critérios de transição agroalimentar da Climate Bonds Initiative vão pavimentar o caminho para cadeias de suprimentos de commodities sustentáveis com benchmarks claros e caminhos de transição

Os critérios propostos para as cadeias de suprimentos de commodities (CSC) irão definir e avaliar empresas de cadeias de suprimentos de commodities, englobando diversos componentes, incluindo mudança de uso da terra, biodiversidade, rastreabilidade, perda e desperdício de alimentos, transporte e armazenamento, e transição justa.

Oportunidade para especialistas! Climate Bonds Standard adota novos Critérios de Transição Agroalimentar e abre chamada para grupos de trabalho
Posted: Apr 5, 2023




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April Events Blog: From Washington DC to Greece to Mexico. See below how to stay connected with us!
Posted: Apr 4, 2023
Policymakers hold the key to unlocking capital for transition — 101 sustainable finance policies for 1.5°C
Posted: Mar 24, 2023






Posted: Mar 24, 2023

New Agri-Food transitions Criteria to pave the way for sustainable commodity supply chains with clear benchmarks and transition pathways

The proposed commodity supply chain (CSC) criteria will define and evaluate commodity supply chain companies by encompassing various components, including land use change, biodiversity, traceability, food loss and waste, transport and storage, and just transition.

Climate Bonds Standard expands with new Agri-Food transitions Criteria: Commodity and Supply Chain TWGs and IWGs now onboarding