Deep Dive Courses

Designed to immerse you in the methodologies and detailed workings of intricate topics in Sustainable Finance, how specific processes are applied, what their intended purpose is and how they are used in the market.

Deep Dives format:

  • Duration: Courses with 6 learning hours, divided in two sessions if delivered online via Zoom or Teams / 1 Full Day of Learning if delivered in-person, classroom style.
  • Content: Theoretical material with the latest data and reasearch, case studies, interactive Q&A and exercises. Take away the material, a glossary, and a list of resources. 
  • Certificate of completion: Climate Bonds Completion Certificate.
  • Translation: Available in multiple languages. Simultaneous interpretation services available.
  • Requirements: The Climate Bonds training team will suggest a reading list to build the base for your learning experience for each topic.


Deep Dive Courses Portfolio:


Deep Dive in Taxonomies

Explore the contributions well-designed taxonomies make in scaling-up of the sustainable finance market.

Course Design and Content

Structured theory, case studies, experience sharing, and practical exercises are combined to enhance the learning experience.

  • Introduction to taxonomies: Rationale, definitions, purpose and benefits, taxonomy elements, applications, and global landscape.

  • Overview of international practices: Climate Bonds Taxonomy, regional & national taxonomies, sectoral prioritisation.

  • Climate Bonds Taxonomy – Detailed sector criteria analysis (client can select up to three criteria from: Energy, Transport, Forestry, Agriculture, Water infrastructure, Waste management, Buildings, Shipping or other criteria under development).

  • Taxonomies development process: Pathways for taxonomy development and international harmonisation.


Deep Dive in Verification and Certification

Learn how verification, one of the most important steps in thematic-labelled bond issuance, increases transparency on the issuance process, enhances issuer accountability, and provides reassurance to investors.

Course Design and Content

Structured theory, case studies, experience sharing, and practical exercises are combined to enhance the learning experience. To complement the theoretical elements of the learning and exercises, the course includes:

  • A comprehensive overview of green bond market dynamics and its intricacies.
  • An in-depth examination of the green bond framework and key global green bond labelling schemes, including the Climate Bonds Standards and Certification Scheme.
  • An analysis of criteria and how they influence the green bond labelling schemes.
  • A round-up of available taxonomies and sector criteria and their relevance to the Climate Bonds Standards.


Deep Dive in Scaling-Up Sub-National Finance through Thematic Labelled Bonds

Gain better insight in how to leverage the benefits of Thematic Labelled Bonds for the public sector. This training is particularly useful for local governments officials, state owned enterprises and other public sector service suppliers.

Course Design and Content

Structured theory, case studies, experience sharing, and practical exercises are combined to enhance the learning experience.

  • Considerations and supporting mechanisms for local governments.
  • Labelled bond basics: market infrastructure, key stakeholders.
  • Labelled bonds as an opportunity, and their benefits.
  • Green bonds and local governments: specifics about local government bond issuance.
  • Principles and considerations of climate resilience bonds.
  • Key elements in the issuance process of labelled bonds for cities with examples.


Deep Dive in Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) Bonds Issuance Process

Climate Bonds’ Deep Dive in GSS Bond Issuance is a tailored course focusing on the issuance process of the most common thematic labelled bonds.

Course Design and Content

Structured theory, case studies, experience sharing, and practical exercises are combined to enhance the learning experience.

  • Understanding the differences between GSS bonds.
  • Broad benefits of labelled bonds.
  • Steps in the issuance process including requirements in the preparation, pre-issuance, issuance, and post-issuance phases.
  • Knowledge of the structure and steps in the development of a green bond framework.
  • Knowledge of the key stakeholders, their roles, and responsibilities.
  • Characteristics of sovereign GSS bonds.


Delving into Sustainability-Linked Bonds: Core Concepts Explored

Harnessing transition finance is crucial, given the urgent need to shift market behavior in alignment with ambitious 2030 targets. The bond market must extend its scope beyond green financing to support companies undergoing substantial operational changes, supply chain enhancements, and process adjustments within existing technological constraints. Achieving net zero goals demands comprehensive operational transformations financed through a roadmap of transition activities. Sustainability Linked Bonds (SLBs) are the prevalent instrument that link financing costs to performance outcomes; rewarding success in meeting sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs), and penalizing failure effectively.


Join us to understand the importance of SLBs, the mechanics and key features. Learn how other players have applied them and, in the process, figure out how these instruments can work for you, as a market participant.

Course Design and Content

The course brings theory to life via case studies, insights from SLB experts, and practical exercises. The course covers the following topics

  • Climate Transition Finance.
  • The opportunities of SLBs.
  • Market infrastructure supporting SLBs.
  • Key elements in the issuance process of an SLB.
  • SLB reporting practices.




Need further information? Please contact us at We will be happy to talk to you!