Climate Bonds Blog

Posted: Aug 1, 2023

Climate Bonds Standard Expansion Continues for Energy Sector: Opportunities for Electricity Companies to Seek Credible Investment
Posted: Jul 28, 2023

Sustainable raw material extraction – paradox or possibility?

Sustainable raw material extraction – paradox or possibility?
Posted: Jul 26, 2023

With USD256.6bn across 672 issuances, Sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) have been in the news for better and for worse. Advocates argue their potential as forward-looking transition finance instruments, holding issuers accountable to their climate 

Let’s clean-up SLBs: Climate Bonds’ Sustainability-linked bond database
Posted: Jul 21, 2023

Policymakers hold the key to rapid transition - 12 Policies
Posted: Jul 20, 2023


Climate Bonds Standard Expansion for Agri-Food Transition: Crop and Livestock Criteria gets Major Update
Posted: Jul 8, 2023


近日,气候债券倡议组织(CBI) 与联合国减少灾害风险办公室(UNDRR)共同发布了《气候韧性分类框架》白皮书,为气候韧性融资提供了最新的全球指引。在过去十几年中, CBI通过绿色/可持续金融分类标准(Taxonomy)的制定在促进绿色和可持续金融发展方面积攒了丰富的经验。为进一步面对气候危机带来的挑战,CBI 计划将分类标准拓展到气候韧性方面,助力资金流向提高气候韧性的基础设施等项目和活动。该报告得到了Cadlas公司的技术支持。





IPCC 于2022年发布的第六次气候变化评估报告指出,气候变化将给生态和人类带来严重的自然灾害,预计33亿到36亿人将生活在极易受气候变化影响的环境中。联合国环境规划署(UNEP)估计,到2030年, 仅发展中国家在气候适应和韧性方面的融资需求将达到每年三千亿美元的规模。


Posted: Jul 7, 2023
July Events Blog: From Colombia to London to Japan. Stay connected with us!
Posted: Jul 5, 2023

On the 5th of July Thailand has officially adopted the Green Taxonomy[1]. This event marks a seminal moment for the country's climate policy. The Green Taxonomy hands the nation’s business community, government, and experts the blueprint for a green future.

Launch of the Thailand Green Taxonomy will accelerate the country’s decarbonization drive
Posted: Jul 4, 2023

In May 2023, EU institutions signed the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which will enter into application in its transitional phase in October 2023.

The CBAM tariff system places a levy on certain carbon-intensive goods (like steel and cement), equalising the price of carbon paid for EU products and the one for imported goods. Ultimately, therefore, the CBAM aspires to build a ‘green’ level playing field.

More than just another acronym: what is the new EU CBAM?
Posted: Jun 22, 2023


Japan has emerged as a global leader in sustainable finance, demonstrating its strong commitment to addressing environmental and social challenges while promoting economic growth. The Japanese government has committed to ambitious targets for emission reduction by 2030 and 2050.

Climate Bonds Initiative is supporting necessary transition through guidance on qualifying investments and assessment frameworks for transition plans. The aim is to ensure transition plans are credible, viable, and give us confidence that we can meet our objectives.

Shining a spotlight on Japan: Explore the Latest Developments in Transition Finance in the Country