Climate Bonds Blog

Posted: Mar 20, 2023


Climate Bonds Training Academy: new GSS+ and Taxonomy courses & partnership with HKMA to boost knowledge on sustainable finance
Posted: Mar 17, 2023

Issuers say label offers resilience in market turmoil, as well as pricing benefits

Green Bond Label Helped Deals Over the Line in Volatile 2022
Posted: Mar 14, 2023

Sector Criteria now available in Thai: Agriculture, Bioenergy, Electric Grids, Hydropower and Transition
Posted: Mar 14, 2023

European Parliament adopts position on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

On 14 March the EP adopted its position on the proposed revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The EPBD is the main piece of EU legislation addressing decarbonisation of buildings, which are responsible for over a third of EU emissions and 40% of energy consumption.

European Parliament adopts position on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Posted: Mar 10, 2023





转型金融市场发展快讯 |低碳制氢: 经济低碳转型的关键驱动力
Posted: Mar 10, 2023





随着转型金融市场的快速发展,可持续挂钩债券等产品已经越来越多地为高碳排放企业的低碳转型提供融资机会。截至目前,国际和国内已有多家水泥企业参与了可持续挂钩债券市场融资,共计发行了11只可持续挂钩债券。发行人包括GCC、Holcim、UltraTech Cement、Votoratim cimentos,华新水泥和红狮水泥。Holcim发行规模最大,目前累计发行1162.05亿美元。

转型金融市场发展快讯 |转型金融促进水泥行业的净零未来
Posted: Mar 7, 2023

The two-tranche deal will finance expenditures in grid scale solar and wind, decentralised solar such as solar water pumps for agriculture, green hydrogen, metro lines and afforestation. 


India’s debut in the sovereign green bond market: first deal landed a greenium!
Posted: Mar 7, 2023
March Events Blog: From Bali to Paris to Sao Paulo. See below how you can stay connected with us!
Posted: Mar 3, 2023


Original article featured in

A háborús energiaválság növelte a megújulók iránti igényt, jöhet a zöld kötvények aranykora
Posted: Feb 21, 2023

The EU Chemical Industry Transition Pathway: A good kick-off for the transition of European chemicals towards net zero