Climate Bonds Training Academy: new GSS+ and Taxonomy courses & partnership with HKMA to boost knowledge on sustainable finance


Trusted as an independent thought leader and pioneer in sustainable finance, Climate Bonds delivers world-class training that draws on the latest research and data available. Since 2018, the Climate Bonds Initiative Training Academy has empowered over 3 000 professionals from across the globe to harness the potential of sustainable finance as a tool to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Today, we are proud to announce that our Training Academy has joined the Government of Hong Kong’s Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme. Learn more about these initiatives below!

NEW GSS+ COURSE in April! Register NOW!

As the leading fixed-income debt instrument, green bonds have also paved the way for the appearance of other thematic-labelled bonds. New labels and formats contributing to long-term environmental and social projects have arisen to further expand the labelled bond market, which is a clear signal that issuers and investors are highly committed to a greener, fairer, and more sustainable world. Join us in this comprehensive course on green, social, sustainability, sustainability-linked and transition (GSS+ bonds) tailored for a range of individuals who wish to gain a broad knowledge of these labels. Climate Bond Initiative’s GSS+ Bonds Training blends a set of elements and information which aim at providing an overview of thematic labelled bonds in a thorough and robust manner. The programme is suitable for introductory-level learners, individuals with knowledge and experience related to sustainable finance, or professionals working directly or indirectly with the issuance of new bonds at different levels of knowledge and experience.

Training dates: 18, 19 and 20 April 2023

Find out more: click here and register NOW!


Deep Dive in Taxonomies registrations are now OPEN! 

Taxonomies are classification systems for sustainable financing that provide clarity and transparency to financial market participants, and other stakeholders, on priority investments across economic activities. Over the last few years, taxonomies have been developed by governments and regulators to help align investments with global and national commitments (e.g., to reduce GHG emissions) while enabling informed decision-making by investors and thus avoiding greenwashing.

As the first organisation worldwide to create a Green Taxonomy, the Climate Bonds Initiative has structured a comprehensive course to overview existing classification systems. 

This Deep Dive presents the various approaches that have been developed as of now and the different objectives that are being sought through these instruments. It also provides an international overview and comparison by presenting global taxonomy developments based on the Climate Bonds Initiative’s experience developing its taxonomy and supporting other significant taxonomies worldwide. Additionally, it aims at helping market participants and other stakeholders better understand these tools, their usage, structure, etc., and help policymakers and the regulatory community in their reflections on the pertinence of classification systems. This training does not intend to prepare the audiences to develop their own taxonomies but to understand these instruments’ structure, objective, and use.

Training dates: 25 & 26 April 2023

Find out more: click here and register NOW! 


Capacity building in Asia-Pacific: The Training Academy is now part of HKMA's Sustainable Finance Scheme

The Climate Bonds Training Academy has just joined the Government of Hong Kong’s Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme. This programme provides learning opportunities for future leaders on the Sustainable Finance market, specifically on how to continue developing it. Learn more about it here.

The courses under this programme combine in-house research and knowledge to provide an informative and engaging learning experience, including case study analysis and live Q&A sessions.


Climate Bonds’ eligible courses:

  • GSS+ Bonds Training (18, 19 & 20 April 2023) registration available here
  • Deep Dive in Taxonomies (25 & 26 April 2023) registraton available here
  • Deep Dive in Verification and Certification, dates to be launched


The Last Word

Our team is on hand to help you choose the best learning experience to suit your requirements and context. For further information about our Training Academy offer, availability, and pricing, check our brochure, contact, or simply complete a training request form:


'Till Next Time!

Climate Bonds