Jun 17, 2022 |
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Join us for the launch of the ASEAN Sustainable Debt State of the Market 2021 Report, produced with the support of HSBC.
Market and investor interest is increasingly being focused on the role that green bonds, green loans, social and sustainability bonds can play in sustainable development, infrastructure investment and low carbon growth paths.
The report provides definitive data and analysis of the shape & size of the green, social, and sustainable debt market in the region.
Join us for insights on key trends and developments for the sustainable finance market in ASEAN in 2021, and what we may expect to see in 2022 for sustainable finance in ASEAN.
The major factors driving green investment and market directions in 2022/2023 will be discussed by the expert panel. A one-off opportunity to explore an extraordinary year in green finance and growth tends in coming years. |
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Jun 16, 2022 |
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The US Municipal market is seeing an increased focus on Green, Social and Sustainable bonds, both from the point of view of issuers, as well as from investors. However, given the scale of the Muni market, there is opportunity for the market to develop much further.
To mobilise institutional money, and dedicated mandates which could help to drive policy change and shift capital at scale, the market needs more benchmark deals from the full range of economic sectors.
The purpose of the webinar, hosted by CBI and sponsored by the London Stock Exchange, is to provide an overview of the Green Muni Bond opportunity, targeting primarily issuers and investors in this market segment.
o Mike Brown, Environmental Finance Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
o Emily Robare, Head of Muni ESG Research, Pimco
o Aude Rajonson, Head of Fixed Income Origination, London Stock Exchange Group
o Candice Partridge, Social and Sustainability Bond Data Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative.
Moderator: Nancy Kummer, Chief Business Development Officer / Managing Director, BLX Group |
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Jun 7, 2022 |
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The Climate Bonds Market Intelligence Team completed a report on the ASEAN member countries +3 that provided an overview of the sustainable finance landscape in each market that included the regulatory framework and market developments in terms of product innovation and range of financing/funding instruments utilized.
We would like to encourage a conversation with ASEAN central banks, regulator and financial market about the report’s findings between policy makers, investors, intermediaries and issuers on how to move forward to enable breadth and depth of the sustainable finance market in ASEAN+3.
- Sean Kidney, CEO & Founder, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Satoru Yamadera, Advisor, Asian Development Bank
- Daniel McGree, Senior Research Analyst, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Kelvin Lee, Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission, Philippines
- Jason Mortimer, Head of Sustainable Investment – Fixed Income and Senior Portfolio Manager at Nomura Asset Management, Japan
- Ivy Lau, Head of Sustainable Finance, Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, Hong Kong, China
- Kosintr Puongsophol, Financial Sector Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Moderator: Zalina Shamsudin, Head of International Programmes - Asia Pacific, Climate Bonds Initiative |
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May 30, 2022 |
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- Caroline Harrison, Senior Research Analyst, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Neha Kumar, India Programme Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Dhruba Purkayatha, Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Rakesh Jha, Director, Sustainability, Management Consulting Division at Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd
- Anurag Bajpai, Director, Green Tree Global
- Meyyappan Nagappan, Leader, Digital Tax and Social Finance at Nishith Desai Associates
- Sanjoy Ghosh, Vice President, Business development and Climate Change (NABCONS)
- Shailendra Singh, Founder & CEO, SustainMantra
Moderator: Sandeep Bhattacharya, India Project Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative |
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May 24, 2022 |
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London Stock Exchange and Climate Bonds Initiative invite you to join them for an insightful industry webinar delving into the development of the US green and sustainability bond market. This session will provide tangible insights relevant to market stakeholders, corporate treasurers and sustainability officers embarking on a sustainability journey.
The panelists will share their experiences, address key challenges and showcase green and sustainable bond issuance processes in the US.
The panel will comprise of a corporate bond issuer already on the sustainability journey, an institutional investor, an underwriter, a law firm, an international stock exchange and an international standard setting organization with extensive market intelligence.
- Sean Kidney, CEO & Founder, Climate Bonds Initiative - Amber Chi, Senior VP & Assistant Treasurer, Salesforce - Marilyn Ceci, Managing Director and Senior Advisor to the Center for Carbon Transition, J.P. Morgan - Emily Weng, Vice President, BlackRock Global Fixed Income ESG Investment, BlackRock - Alan Denenberg, Partner, Corporate Department, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Moderator: Aude Rajonson, Head of Fixed Income Origination, London Stock Exchange Group |
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May 17, 2022 |
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The Climate Bonds' Policy Team completed a report examining ASEAN central banks’ exposure to climate transition risks with a particular focus on Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.
How the report reflected on these risks was by doing an analysis of combined data from credit filings by banks to the central bank supervisory section, bonds data collected by Asia Bond Monitor and “bottom-up” deal level data extracted from commercial databases of lending and bond issuance.
The primary recommendation from the data analysis was on how the taxonomies under development could be used to ensure banks are able to track their climate transition risks exposure through their portfolios.
We would like to encourage a conversation about the report’s findings on challenges to the financial sector in re-directing lending from fossil fuel to renewables and potential actions central banks might take to support the transition. |
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May 9, 2022 |
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This webinar looks at issues facing the hard to abate industries in India, its journey towards a low carbon world - and financing the journey towards the same.
- Mr. Vishal Bahvsar, Head - Corporate Sustainability Head - Corporate Sustainability ,UltraTech Cement
- Mr. Gaurav Sarup, Director - ESG, Carbon & Social Performance at Vedanta Resources Limited.
- Ms. Apurba Mitra, Associate Partner at KPMG India Lt. Col.
- Monish Ahuja - Promoter and Managing Director , Punjab Renewable Energy Systems Private Limited.
- Barbara Calvi - Executive Director, Sustainable Investing, Fixed Income Investment Management , Morgan Stanley
Moderator: Karthik Iyer, Director of Programmes, Climate Bonds Initiative |
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Apr 22, 2022 |
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Climate Bonds is preparing to publish the 11th iteration of its flagship research paper Sustainable Debt Global State of the Market 2021. The scope of the paper has been extended to include green, social, sustainability, sustainability-linked, and transition bonds which we describe as GSS+ debt.
Following a short presentation summarizing the findings of the research, Sean Kidney will moderate a panel discussion including issuers, and champions of climate action. Panelists will be invited to share insights and experiences and discuss expectations and drivers of market growth for 2022 and beyond.
Moderator: Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Jessica Pulay, Co-Head of Policy and Markets, United Kingdom Debt Management Office
- Paul O'Connor, Head of EMEA ESG Debt Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan
- Berit Lindholdt-Lauridsen, Senior Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation
- Krista Tukiainen, head of Market Intelligence, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Jesús Martínez, Head of Financing and Treasury, Iberdrola
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Apr 21, 2022 |
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Colombia ha avanzado en su agenda ambiental y de desarrollo sostenible, esto se refleja en la firma del Acuerdo de París, por medio de sus Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas (NDCs), la alineación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), así como en el desarrollo de instrumentos de política de cambio climático.
Existe una gran brecha entre el financiamiento verde requerido y el efectivamente movilizado ante lo cual es necesario el involucramiento de sectores público y privado que permita desarrollar un ecosistema atractivo para el financiamiento de proyectos climáticos y ambientales.
Reunir a la comunidad de inversores con los encargados de formular políticas y los desarrolladores de proyectos, puede ayudar a desarrollar enfoques innovadores y compartidos para abordar los desafíos financieros en sectores claves para los objetivos climáticos.
Bajo este contexto, este Webinar pretende compartir conocimiento e intercambiar experiencias de diferentes instrumentos financieros como lo son los fondos para la canalización de recursos públicos, privados y mixtos, con el propósito de analizar sus prácticas y ayudar en la
estructuración de nuevos mecanismos de financiamiento con enfoque sostenible en Colombia.
Moderadora: Yolanda Fadul, Asociada de Metrix Finanzas.
- Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
- María Margarita Zuleta, Directora Escuela de Gobierno Alberto Lleras Camargo de la Universidad de los Andes
- Laura Ruiz, Asesora del Despacho del Viceministro Técnico
- Luis Gabriel Morcillo, socio de los equipos de Mercado de Valores y Corporativo / M&A de Brigard Urrutia |
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Apr 13, 2022 |
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香港交易所(HKEX)以及法国外贸银行(Natixis CIB)为本次调研提供了支持和赞助
贝莱德基金管理有限公司信用分析师 |
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