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  1. Climate Bonds Certification surges past USD300bn milestone in 2023: driving green finance forward

    ... Expanding scope from energy to infrastructure: Certification for individual debt instruments to whole entities: o ne global ... ensuring their entire operations adhere to the best practice standards in the market. This holistic approach provides investors with a ...

    Post - Jan 30, 2024

  2. April Market Blog: Inaugural GBs from Chile & the UAE; More French and Aussie Certified Bonds; US Munis going strong; The World's First Green Hybrid Bond; another from Brazil, lots of repeat issuers, and much, much more!

    ... to advance the development of international definitions and standards for green bonds, conduct research and educate issuers, investors, and ... to refinance existing projects. Programmatic Certification in Practice  SNCF Réseau is one of the first issuers to ...

    Post - Aug 17, 2017

  3. Green bond market report: 1st CBI certified Asian GB frm HFE; Repeat GB’s frm KEXIM ($400m), Mass Clean Water $207m, Ontario CA$750m($537m)& OPIC $14m. Plus US Muni GB’s frm San Diego $100m & Uni Texas $206m. Plenty of green gossip too!

    ... The Climate Bonds Initiative issued  certification under the Climate Bonds Standard. . Approved verifier, KPMG, ...  an independent review or at a minimum leverage established standards (such as LEED or Green Star) as a proxy for its modernisation of ...

    Post - Nov 10, 2022

  4. ICBC, biggest bank in the world issues certified green: IREDA issues certified green from India: Austrian, Swedish, Brazilian, Swiss, and Canadian issuance, more US munis, moving pictures, gossip and a big green bond from Mexico City Airport

    ... New York State HFA & MTA taking the streamlined Programmatic Certification path again  as they forge ahead on issuing green. ... analysis to determine whether their requirements meet the standards of the Buildings Criteria.   * "Green lease" ...

    Post - Oct 14, 2017

  5. Quarterly Newsletter: Certifications from China & India: East Coast & West Coast lead US Munis: 10 big Issuers Adopt Programmatic Path, Standards Updates and more!

    ... 5 of our Newsletter profiles the latest developments in our Standards, increased use of Certification by issuers and lots of other updates If you’re ...

    Post - Nov 21, 2017

  6. San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Issues World’s First ‘Climate Certified’ Water Bond: A $240m Boost for Sustainable Water & US Muni Market

    ... Jr., General Manager, SFPUC: “Climate Bonds Certification for this wastewater bond, a US and global first, is an important ... The Last Word Justine Leigh-Bell, Senior Standards Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative: “SFPUC are ...

    Post - Nov 10, 2022

  7. Market Blog #20: 7th Feb: USD10.4bn GB issuance for January: 2nd Certified Climate Bond from Philippines: 1st EUR green bond from US bank: Sean Kidney’s 2019 Outlook

    ... senior unsecured Certified Climate Bond, which obtained Certification under the Solar, Wind and Geothermal Criteria of the Climate ... combined with BASIX, NatHers and NCC BCA third-party standards. This ensures that the buildings are in the top 15% of the market in ...

    Post - Feb 7, 2019

  8. Market Blog #11: USD3.3bn GBs in August: New issuers from Canada, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea: California signs the Green Bond Pledge

    ... is part of a sereies of upgrades to the  Standard & Certification scheme. The release of a the new Standards V3.0 is also set to follow in Quarter 4 as Climate Bonds expands it ...

    Post - Sep 6, 2018

  9. Markets Monthly #8 - 16/09/2020: Cumulative issuance reaches USD900bn mark: Transition White Paper: China record 2020 issuance with USD3.1bn: Meridian Energy Certifies 3 deals: #CBIConf2020 sessions available online.

    ... a consultation paper in August on ESG disclosure standards for investment products aiming to provide transparency and ... the plant to be used for carbon credits. This is the first Certification in Panama.   New issuer spotlight ...

    Post - Sep 28, 2020

  10. Largest Climate Bonds Certified deal to date: ING Group USD3bn green dual-tranche is the largest from a European Bank

    ... to sustainability and sustainable finance. Climate Bonds Certification signals to the market and both institutional and retail investors that we support best practice and robust standards in green finance.”   Manuel Adamini, Head of ...

    Post - Nov 30, 2019