Climate Bonds Blog

Posted: Sep 29, 2017




ICBC: World’s biggest bank issues Climate Bonds Certified Green Bond: English Version


Posted: Sep 28, 2017




The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) just announced a big $US2bn+ green bond.

Breaking! World’s biggest bank issues Climate Bonds Certified Green Bond: One Belt One Road Green Climate Bond from ICBC: Just Announced!
Posted: Sep 26, 2017

On 2nd October, we will hold a briefing to discuss opportunities for growth and developments of the green bond market in South Korea as they just announced a new corporate green bond.


You’re invited.

Please register here. 


In London on October 2nd? Invitation: South Korean Green Bond Market Briefing – Don’t miss it!
Posted: Sep 19, 2017

Universe is growing, but plenty of headroom for banks and corporates to lift green issuance. Increasing focus on green city bonds, resilient infrastructure and alignment with national climate targets.


Climate Bonds State of the Market Report 2017: Green bonds & climate-aligned universe now stands at $895bn: Launch today at Climate Week NYC event
Posted: Sep 18, 2017

Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelengenheit, das Neueste aus dem Markt zu besprechen.

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, am Climate Bonds – White & Case Green Bonds Kongress in Wien am Mittwoch Nachmittag 20. September teilzunehmen. Weber & Co. und Luxembourg Stock Exchange sind Co-organisatoren.

Mittwoch Nachmittag! Wien! Noch einige wenige Plätze zu vergeben für den grossen Green Bonds Kongress mit White & Case, Weber & Co. und Luxembourg Stock Exchange!
Posted: Sep 15, 2017

Moody’s Municipal Infrastructure and Green Bonds; Environmental Finance & the Americas; California Green Bonds Symposium in Feb 2018.

Is the tide turning on US green finance?

At Climate Bonds we see the US as having huge potential for green bond issuance, particularly at the municipal and corporate level. The more discussion and debate around climate finance, infrastructure renewal and green growth, the better.

These three coming events have caught our eye and are worth sharing with readers.


Three US Green Bonds Events you don’t want to miss: New York, New York & California
Posted: Sep 11, 2017

Please join us at Climate Week in New York on Monday for the global launch of the State of the Market 2017 report, part of HSBC’s Sustainable Finance & Investing Responsibly Forum.  

During this event, Climate Bonds Initiative CEO Sean Kidney will present findings of the Climate Bonds influential ‘State of the Market 2017' report, the authoritative international annual review of green finance and green bond progress.



Invitation: New York City, Bonds and Climate Change: the State of the Market 2017 - Monday 18/09: Global Launch
Posted: Sep 7, 2017


Posted: Sep 7, 2017


China, green bonds & emerging markets: leveraging private capital; opportunities along with the Belt & Road Initiative
Posted: Sep 6, 2017

Europe is making significant strides to lead on green finance, and align its financial system with its climate, sustainability and clean energy ambitions.


Our Top 5 EU Green Finance Developments: All starting to add up