Sustainable Debt Global State of the Market H1 2020

Climate Bonds has released the Sustainable Debt Global report, capturing COVID19 pandemic response for H1 2020 from various issuers who have utilised the sustainable debt market to address this major crisis. This report is part of our series of the State of the Market.

This represents an initial step in the expansion of Climate Bonds’ market intelligence to include wider debt labels, which will culminate with the launch of a first social and sustainability bond database later in Q4.


Part 1 lays out an overview of green bonds issued in H1 2020, as well as the first-ever historic analysis of other debt themes – sustainability, social and pandemic bonds – covering the period up to H1 2020. This is made possible by the expansion of Climate Bonds’ market coverage to include other debt labels, which will culminate in the launch of a separate database for such instruments still this year.

Part 2 presents a detailed overview of existing, planned, and potential policy measures from around the world related to sustainable finance. These comprise a diverse set of stakeholders, from governments to central banks and investors, and reiterate the need for a green and sustainable recovery globally in a post-COVID world.

Our Blog Post announcing the public release of the report is available here.  


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