The Inaugural Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) Philippines report brings the key trends and developments for green infrastructure and energy in the Philippines.
Twenty (20) green projects in renewable energy, low carbon transport, water infrastructure and waste management are showcased and a sample pipeline of over seventy (70) projects in low carbon transport, renewable energy, sustainable water and sustainable waste management are identified.
This report has been prepared to help meet the growing demand for green investment opportunities in the Philippines and to support the country’s transition to a low carbon economy. It a ims to facilitate greater engagement on this topic between project owners and developers, and institutional investors. Green infrastructure and corresponding green finance instruments are explored in the report, with sector-by-sector investment options presented.
The report is intended for a wide range of stakeholders, including domestic investors, offshore pension funds and asset managers, potential issuers, infrastructure owners and developers, as well as relevant government ministries.
Webinar Launch: Philippines: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO)
About GIIO: Climate Bonds Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) report series aim to identify and demonstrate green infrastructure investment opportunities on a regional basis. An initial GIIO Indonesia report was launched in May 2018 with an Update in 2019. An GIIO Australia & NZ report was also released in 2018 with an Update in 2019 and a GIIO Vietnam report released in April 2020.
A GIIO Malaysia report is planned for release in early 2021.
Acknowledgements: Climate Bonds would like to thank Report Partners SEC Philippines and the ADB. Climate Bonds also thanks the other organizations that contributed to the report: The Philippines Department of Finance, the Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines; National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Development Bank of the Philippines, BDO Unibank, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Thomas Lloyd Group, AC Energy, and BioPower Group.
CBI also acknowledges the contributions made by members of the ADB Southeast Asia Innovation Hub and ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF) teams.