Online & In-person Events

Online & In-person Events

In the wake of COVID-19 we have taken all our upcoming events onto online platforms of Webinars and Podcasts. Details are under Climate Bonds Connected and also below in our Events schedule.

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Annual Conference and ongoing training sessions:

Past Events

Apr 13, 2023 »

Join Climate Bonds' CEO Sean Kidney and Director Anna Creed as we examine the structural expansion of the Climate Bonds Standards and Certification Scheme. Tune in to hear what it is and why it's causing so much excitement.

Mar 30, 2023 »

Assessing the credibility of a company’s decarbonisation begins with the rigour and ambition of a Transition Plan. We bring together experts who can draw insights on where to begin with Transition planning, what is the current state of guidance in the market and what do investors need to be assured the decarbonisation is credible and aligned with 1.5ºC pathway.





  1. Introduction / Welcome 
  2. Climate Bonds presentation – Manshu Deng & Matthew MacGeoch – Climate Bonds Initiative work on Transitions Plans 
  3. CDP presentation- Sylvester Bamkole -Transition Plan’s disclosure framework 
  4. Ceres presentation - Laura Draucker - Assessing the existing transition plan guidance and developing a consensus-driven definition of what a comprehensive Climate Transition Action Plan should include
  5. IIGCC presentation - Dan Gardiner - Guidance on Transition Plans 
  6. Q&A and Discussion 


Mar 22, 2023 »

Climate Bonds invites you to join us for a webinar on the future of the EU Taxonomy – Wednesday 22nd March.  The European Taxonomy has been key to driving finance to sustainable projects aiming to address the climate crisis. This webinar offers insights into the future of the EU Taxonomy and its implications for taxonomies around the world. Experts from Climate Bonds, the European Parliament, and partner organisations will discuss the future of the EU Taxonomy and its interoperability with other regional taxonomies. Ultimately, the objective is to clear the path for credible investments and optimise the EU Taxonomy uptake.

Mar 16, 2023 »

Following Climate Bonds' Green Bond Pricing report, we sit down with Caroline Harrison, Climate Bonds’ Head of Market Intelligence Research to find out what this sample study can tell us about green bond pricing and why investors are getting so excited about them.

Feb 20, 2023 »

Recently, India sold its first sovereign green bonds, debuting a 1 billion dollar issuance. Today, we sit down with Neha Kumar, Head of Climate Bonds’ South Asia Programme and Abraham Pedroza, Climate Bonds’ Lead trainer, who will be leading a Capacity Building training session in India soon.

Feb 7, 2023 »

With Climate Bonds’ recent launch of the 2022 Market Snapshot, we sit down with two members of Climate Bonds’ Market Intelligence Team; David Simms, the Lead Green Bond Analyst and Candace Partridge, the Social and Sustainability Bond Data Manager. We'll be talking about what they learned from 2022 and what’s got them very excited for 2023.

Feb 2, 2023 »

Welcome to the opener of the Climate Bonds Cafe. The show where we sit down with a coffee and bring you all the news around financing the fight against climate change.

Jan 25, 2023 »

In the newest podcast episode we are welcoming Sean Kidney, CEO of Climate Bonds Initiative, Professor at SOAS University of London, Global Capital magazine’s “Most Influential Champion” of the sustainable finance market, Advisory Board Member of ISFC, and last but not least, our excellent CEE Sustainable Finance Summit speaker. This 35-minute discussion looks into the deeper meaning of value creation across our societies and how it relates to green bonds and other sustainability-linked financial instruments. Simply put, we need to urgently mobilise global capital for climate action - and we now have the tools to do so.

Dec 13, 2022 »

Please join Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), and RMI for a webinar on their recently released working paper, Guidelines for Financing a Credible Coal Transition. These guidelines, developed in consultation with stakeholders and experts from public, private, and civil society institutions, provide a framework for assessing the climate and social credibility of financial transactions that aim to accelerate a managed phaseout of coal-fired power plants.

During the webinar, you’ll hear from a representative from the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero on the credibility risks of financing a coal transition, and CBI, CPI, and RMI will provide an overview of how the guidelines can help manage these risks. As we recognize that transition finance for the coal-to-clean transition is a new and rapidly evolving space, we look forward to hearing additional feedback, perspectives, and questions that can shape the future direction of this work.


- Barbara Buchner, Global Managing Director, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)

- Koben Calhoun, Principal, RMI

- Ronan Hodge, Technical Lead, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)

- Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

- Tyeler Matsuo, Manager, RMI

- Zofia Wetmanska, Senior Taxonomy Analyst, Climate Bonds Initiative

Dec 7, 2022 »

Climate change is exacerbating the challenges of global food security, and the need for agriculture and food systems transition has been reached consensus. Capital markets have a vital role in supporting the evolution of agriculture and food systems towards more efficient, low-carbon, resilient and sustainable. This seminar will focus on the role of green and transition finance and will discuss the prospects of opportunities, transition pathways and practical experiences of financial institutions entities in investing and financing green development and transition in agriculture.


Host:LONG Yuqing, ESG Product Manager, SynTao Green Finance




Opening Remark

Sean KIDNEY, CEO and Co-founder of Climate Bonds Initiative 

GUO Peiyuan, Chairman, China Sustainable Investment Forum



Keynote speech

CHEN Ying, Director of Cereals and Oils Department, China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Livestock

XIE Wenhong, Head of China, Climate Bonds Initiative 

FU Xiaotian, Director, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China



Agricultural Standards Roundtable Discussion

Moderator: XU Xiuling, Senior Vice President at CreditEase and Member of China SIF Board of Directors


RAO Shuling

Deputy Secretary-General of the Beijing Green Finance Association

Senior Researcher of Institute of Finance and Sustainability  

Leisa SOUZA, Head of Latin America of Climate Bonds Initiative 

LAN Xing, Vice President, Green & Sustainable Hub, Asia Pacific, Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking

SHEN Lina, Director of Institutional Business, SynTao Green Finance



Agricultural Commodity Investment Roundtable Discussion

How can green and transformational finance be mobilised by developing sustainable value chains?

Moderator: LI Shaoxin, China Agriculture Transition Lead, Climate Bonds Initiative


DU Hongxia, Senior Program Manager, Energy Transition & Climate Finance, WWF

Erika SUSANTO, Research & Data Director of FAIRR Initiative

QIN Jun, Deputy General Manager of Muyuan Foods



Launch|Agri-food Transition Principles

LI Shaoxin, China Agriculture Transition Lead, Climate Bonds Initiative