
A Fork in the Road for the global steel sector

The global steel sector has reached a fork in the road. Before 2030, 71% of existing coal-based blast furnaces (1090 Mt) will reach the end of its lifetime and require major reinvestment. As the next investment cycle won’t happen for another two decades, this means that this decade provides the critical opportunity for steel to transition to a more sustainable sector. 

This policy paper included as part of the Climate Bonds Steel Package provides guidance to policymakers and regulators about how to guide industry and investors onto a climate-aligned pathway for steel.

Repurposing EU Subsides for an Effective Agrifood System Transition to Net Zero

When it comes to climate change, agriculture is one of the biggest elephants in the room. It is a massive emitter – responsible for 11% of the EU’s GHG emissions – but also one of the first sectors to feel the heat. From droughts to floods, farmers are already seeing the effects of a changing climate. The good news? With the right policies and investments, agriculture can go from being part of the problem to a huge part of the solution. That is the message of the latest Climate Bonds policy paper, "Repurposing EU Subsidies for an Effective Agrifood System Transition to Net Zero." 

The Role of DFIs in Accelerating the Mobilisation of Green Capital

Meeting global climate and sustainability goals requires significant investment.

The climate transition requires large-scale mobilisation of private capital to transition energy systems, build resilient infrastructure, and develop sustainable communities. By most estimates, global climate finance needs to increase from USD1.3tn to around USD4-7tn by 2030 in order to maintain a 1.5°C pathway.

Accelerating Green Capital Mobilisation is Central to the Function of Development Finance Institutions

Meeting global climate and sustainability goals requires substantial investment

The Role of Development Finance Institutions in Accelerating the Mobilisation of Green Capital is a new Climate Bonds report, informed by expert interviews with European DFIs and associated organisations.

Estimates of the annual global climate investment gap vary between USD2.5tn and USD4tn.

