
A Fork in the Road for the global steel sector

The global steel sector has reached a fork in the road. Before 2030, 71% of existing coal-based blast furnaces (1090 Mt) will reach the end of its lifetime and require major reinvestment. As the next investment cycle won’t happen for another two decades, this means that this decade provides the critical opportunity for steel to transition to a more sustainable sector. 

This policy paper included as part of the Climate Bonds Steel Package provides guidance to policymakers and regulators about how to guide industry and investors onto a climate-aligned pathway for steel.

The role of policymakers in mobilising private finance to ensure a credible and just transition in steel and cement

This is the decade of change for steel and cement, which as the two largest industrial emitters globally are crucial to the net- zero transition. Steel and cement are pivotal to meeting the Paris Agreement objectives but while fuel substitution can help address emissions from steelmaking, it cannot fully address those from cement.

This paper, prepared for the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, examines how policymakers can speed, steer, and simplify the transition of the steel and cement industries to net zero. 

Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Finance: Enhancing the Role of the Financial Sector in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Authored by Climate Bonds Initiative, the report outlines the approach to integrate climate action into fiscal policies that can be considered by governments to trigger the growth of sustainable finance, highlighting successful measures implemented by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus three (ASEAN+3) countries. Amongst the suggestions include developing sustainable finance roadmaps to demonstrate how policies that prioritise climate action connect with real economic activities, and encouraging countries to adopt multi-pronged strategies to drive change.