This report presents the research application of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) - Amundi Climate Change Investment Framework (CCIF). The CCIF aims to provide investors with a benchmark tool for assessing an investment, at the issuer-level, in relation to climate change-related financial risks and opportunities. The approach translates the three objectives of the Paris Agreement into fundamental metrics that investors can use to assess an investment’s level of progress towards achieving climate change mitigation, adaptation, and low-carbon transition objectives.
This report presents the results of research conducted by three leading climate finance research organizations. Here, Fitch Solutions, The Carbon Trust and the Climate Bonds Initiative have applied the CCIF to sectors, companies, and debt issuers. The research universe comprised of companies domiciled in AIIB Members, predominantly in emerging market (EM) Asia, and operating within major infrastructure sectors including energy, water, sustainable cities, transport, and digital infrastructure. This report reviews the overall market and does not cover AIIB and/or Amundi-specific funds.