NYK issues first green bond from the shipping sector – green enough for now but not for long
Global transport and shipping giant, Japan’s Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) closed the first green bond in the shipping sector on 24 May 2018. The JPY10bn (USD92m), 5-year bond benefits from a second party opinion from Vigeo Eiris.
Decarbonising shipping is crucial. Shipping currently accounts for c2.5% of global emissions, but left unchecked shipping emissions are expected to grow by 50-250% by 2050.
Proceeds from NYK’s green bond finance and refinance LNG-fuelled ships, LNG-bunkering ships, ballast water management systems and SOx scrubber systems. From a climate perspective, we focus on the LNG-fuelled ships and bunkering ships.
Download the full briefing here.