The Indian green bond market
The India Edition of the Bonds and Climate Change - The State of the Market 2016 report analyses the blooming Indian green bond market.
As of October 2016, the Indian market represents the 7th largest green bond issuer worldwide, with a total issuance of USD 2.7bn.
Use of Proceeds
Over 60% of Indian labelled green bonds’ proceeds are allocated to renewable energy, helping the country reach its renewable energy targets.
Best Practice
Wind energy developer, Hero Future Energies, was the first Indian company to issue a Certified Climate Bond.
India is leading the way in best practice, with 5 out of the 7 green bonds issued were Climate Bonds Certified or received an external review.
Indian regulators are showing leadership by providing guidance and regulation to the market. In January 2016, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) published its official green bond requirements for Indian issuers. India became the only other country (after China) to provide national level guidelines.
Download the India Update here (2 pages).