To mark the Paris launch of our 2016 State of the Market report, we have produced a two-page overview of the French climate-aligned bond universe in French and English. It contains the latest data from both the labelled and unlabelled green bond markets, alongside an overview of the action the French government is taking to grow the national market.
Download the overview / Télécharger la brochure en français
Key takeaways from this analysis:
- France has the 3rd largest climate-aligned bond universe representing 9% of global amount (nearly $64bn outstanding) and the largest European climate-aligned bond market.
- Since 2005, France-registered entities have issued more than $84bn in labelled and unlabelled green bonds (the French State rail company SNCF accounts for 69% of the total).
- France is the 2nd largest country of issuance for labelled green bonds ($15.8bn outstanding), and the largest in Europe.
- Since the inaugural French labelled green bond issued in March 2012, over 60 bonds have been issued.
- The largest labelled green bond issuer is Engie ($3.4bn issued to date).