Labelled Green Bonds Data: Latest 3 Months

Labelled green bonds are bonds that earmark proceeds for climate or environmental projects and have been labelled as ‘green’ by the issuer. The Climate Bonds Initiative has been tracking the green labelled market since 2009. Information on the growth of the market is provided in our regular Market blogs and various country, regional and thematic reports, including our annual State of the Market report.

Please note the following points about the data:

  • The purpose of this database is to track all self-labelled green bonds, subject to screening criteria explained in CBI Green Bond Database Methodology. All data is collected by the Climate Bonds Initiative and is filtered to include only:

1. bonds with 100% use of net proceeds financing or refinancing green/environmental projects - social bonds are not included.

2. bonds which are broadly aligned with the Climate Bonds Taxonomy. This means that, for example, bonds financing so-called "clean coal" are excluded.

  • External review documents (such as second party opinions) are listed when publicly available, on a best efforts basis.
  • More analysis on new issuers is available in our Market blog and our online bond library.
  • Data is updated periodically and is therefore not live data.

Additional data points including identifiers are available through to Climate Bonds Partners through the Partner Zone of the website. Learn more about becoming a Climate Bonds Partner.

For any other queries on the data provided, please visit the Data Requests page and complete the relevant form.

BondID Entity Amount Issued Currency Issue Date Maturity Date CBI Certified SPO Provider
1211000002001 JSC Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) 2,000,000,000,000 VND Nov-24 Nov-26 S&P Global Ratings
1260700001003 Republic of Colombia 1,048,801,000,000 COP Dec-24 Mar-31 Moody's
1549100001001 Hoa Binh Xuan Mai Clean Water LLC 875,100,000,000 VND Nov-24 Nov-44 FinnRatings
1491300004002 Government of Japan 349,800,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jun-29 JCR, DNV
1460500005001 Seoul Housing & Communities Corp 280,000,000,000 KRW Dec-24 Dec-26 Korea Investors Service
1000600115001 International Finance Corp (IFC) 225,000,000,000 COP Jan-25 Jan-30
1460500008001 Seoul Housing & Communities Corp 110,000,000,000 KRW Jan-25 Jan-26
1460500007001 Seoul Housing & Communities Corp 90,000,000,000 KRW Jan-25 Jan-27
1293800006001 Korea District Heating Corp 80,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Nov-29 Korea Ratings
1473900003001 Major Joint Local Government Bond of Japan 60,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-34 JCR
1398200008001 Republic of India 50,000,000,000 INR Dec-24 Dec-54 CICERO
1437600002001 Korea National Railway 50,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Nov-26 NICE Investors Service
1398200007001 Republic of India 50,000,000,000 INR Dec-24 Dec-34 CICERO
1054600013001 Frasers Property Ltd 50,000,000,000 THB Nov-24
1293800007001 Korea District Heating Corp 40,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Nov-31 Korea Ratings
1253300006001 TEPCO Renewable Power Inc 40,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-31 DNV
1001700017001 Export-Import Bank of Korea 33,400,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-24 DNV
1545500001001 KIBO ABS Specialty Co Ltd 2024-2 30,497,800,000 KRW Nov-24 Nov-27 Korea Ratings
1064600067001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 30,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-29 R&I Japan
1064600071001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 30,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-30 R&I Japan
1095700007001 Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities 20,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29
1445400005001 Woori Financial Capital Co Ltd 20,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Aug-26 NICE Investors Service
1293800008001 Korea District Heating Corp 20,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Nov-34 Korea Ratings
1406300005001 Organization for Promoting Urban Development 20,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-45 JCR
1037000043001 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 20,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-27 Lianhe Equator
1460500006001 Seoul Housing & Communities Corp 20,000,000,000 KRW Dec-24 Dec-25 Korea Investors Service
1548700002001 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 20,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29 R&I Japan
1464400003001 Incheon Transit Corp 20,000,000,000 KRW Dec-24 Dec-27 NICE Investors Service
1445400007001 Woori Financial Capital Co Ltd 20,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Jul-26 NICE Investors Service
1445400006001 Woori Financial Capital Co Ltd 20,000,000,000 KRW Nov-24 Apr-26 NICE Investors Service
1495300004001 Mazda Motor Corp 15,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-31 JCR
1558300001001 Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate Co Ltd 15,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-30
1559900001001 Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd 12,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-32
1108100006024 Hungary 11,998,650,000 HUF Nov-24 May-32 CICERO
1108100004010 Hungary 11,995,570,000 HUF Nov-24 Apr-51 CICERO
1064600070001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-44 R&I Japan
1385100003001 Aichi Prefecture 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29 R&I Japan
1555600001001 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited 10,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-28 Lianhe Equator
1216800008001 Kyushu Railway Co 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-34 Sustainalytics
1064600072001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 10,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-40 R&I Japan
1020400046001 Bank of China Ltd 10,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-28 EY
1275800002001 Mizuho Leasing Co Ltd 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-31
1548700001001 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-31 R&I Japan
1548600001001 Tokyu Corp 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29 JCR
1064600066001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 10,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-54 R&I Japan
1064600069001 Japan Housing Finance Agency 10,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-39 R&I Japan
1250600004001 City of Kawasaki 8,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Sep-29 JCR
1560000001001 City of Osaka 8,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-30 R&I Japan
1060200025001 Taiwan Power Company 8,000,000,000 TWD Nov-24 Nov-29
1549300001001 DME Development Ltd 7,750,000,000 INR Dec-24 Dec-34
1554400001001 Inabata & Co Ltd 7,500,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Jun-30 R&I Japan
1545000001001 City of Sapporo Japan 7,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-29 R&I Japan
1545800002001 Sveriges Sakerstallda Obligationer AB 7,000,000,000 SEK Jan-25 Feb-30 Sustainalytics
1302100006001 City of Fukuoka 7,000,000,000 JPY Jan-25 Jan-35 R&I Japan
1557300001001 Jiangxi Bank Co., Ltd. 6,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-27 CCX
1059800031001 State Power Investment Corporation Limited 5,080,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Feb-25
1203100005001 Republic of Italy 5,000,000,000 EUR Jan-25 Apr-46 Vigeo Eiris
1406500005001 NTT TC Lease KK 5,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29 JCR
1000100101001 European Investment Bank (EIB) 5,000,000,000 EUR Jan-25 Jan-35
1376100005001 Osaka Prefecture 5,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-39 JCR
1275600004001 NGK Insulators Ltd 5,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-29 R&I Japan
1029600026001 China Development Bank 5,000,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-27 Lianhe Equator
1145400002001 Cosmo Energy Holdings Co Ltd 5,000,000,000 JPY Nov-24 Nov-31 R&I Japan
1060200027001 Taiwan Power Company 4,600,000,000 TWD Nov-24 Nov-34
1545800001001 Sveriges Sakerstallda Obligationer AB 4,000,000,000 SEK Dec-24 Dec-29 Sustainalytics
1400100003001 Hiroshima Prefecture 4,000,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Dec-29 JCR
1022700011001 Kuntarahoitus Ojy (MuniFin) 4,000,000,000 SEK Nov-24 Nov-29 CICERO
1400900003001 City of Sagamihara 3,850,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Sep-34 R&I Japan
1033800005001 Bank of Changsha Co.,Ltd. 3,500,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-27 Lianhe Equator
1478900003001 City of Chiba 3,500,000,000 JPY Dec-24 Sep-34
1469300002001 Bank of Hunan Corporation Limited 3,500,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-27 CCX
1549000001001 Charter Hall Group 3,350,000,000 AUD Dec-24 DNV
1551100001001 China Kangfu International Leasing Co.,Ltd. ABS 2024-5 3,262,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-42
1218800002001 Salmar ASA 3,250,000,000 NOK Jan-25 Jan-30 S&P Global Ratings
1257200001015 United Kingdom 3,000,000,000 GBP Jan-25 Jul-33 Vigeo Eiris
1266900012001 National Petroleum And Natural Gas Pipeline Network Group Co., Ltd 3,000,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-27 Lianhe Equator
1060200028001 Taiwan Power Company 3,000,000,000 TWD Dec-24 Dec-31 KPMG
1366200010002 DNB Boligkreditt AS 3,000,000,000 SEK Nov-24 Sep-29 Sustainalytics
1262100002004 European Union 3,000,000,000 EUR Nov-24 Feb-43 Vigeo Eiris
1060200026001 Taiwan Power Company 3,000,000,000 TWD Nov-24 Nov-31
1545100007001 China Three Gorges Corporation 3,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-27
1201400014001 China Huaneng Group Co.,Ltd. 3,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-27
1086600008001 Sparbanken Skane AB 3,000,000,000 SEK Nov-24 Nov-29 CICERO
1503100005001 Nanjing Metro Group Co.,Ltd 2,800,000,000 CNY Jan-25 Jan-30
1558500002001 Jinjian International Finance Leasing (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. 2025-1 2,800,000,000 CNY Jan-25 Jul-25 Lianhe Equator
1550500001001 China Kangfu International Leasing Co.,Ltd. ABS 2024-4 2,640,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-43
1025400012001 Export-Import Bank of China 2,500,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-26 CECEP
1101600008001 Ellevio AB 2,500,000,000 SEK Nov-24 Nov-31 ISS ESG
1556600001001 Trion Properties Pvt Ltd 2,500,000,000 INR Dec-24 Dec-27
1043300004001 Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co Ltd 2,500,000,000 TWD Jan-25 Jan-35
1000800578001 European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) 2,500,000,000 SEK Jan-25 Jan-32 CICERO
1547700001001 China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited 2,500,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-27 Pengyuan
1557800001001 Tianjin Great Wall Binyin Automotive Finance Co.,Ltd. 2025-1 2,460,000,000 CNY Jan-25 Apr-28 Lianhe Equator
1049800022001 DNB Bank ASA 2,100,000,000 SEK Jan-25 Jan-30 Sustainalytics
1555800001001 China International Capital Corporation Limited 2024-1 2,093,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-44 CCX
1545100006001 China Three Gorges Corporation 2,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-34 CCX
1545100005001 China Three Gorges Corporation 2,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-29 CCX
1307900014001 Republic of Austria 2,000,000,000 EUR Nov-24 Feb-25 ISS ESG
1545100004001 China Three Gorges Corporation 2,000,000,000 CNY Dec-24 Dec-54 CCX
1545100001001 China Three Gorges Corporation 2,000,000,000 CNY Nov-24 Nov-34 CCX
Source: Climate Bonds, Bloomberg, Refinitiv EIKON, WIND, corporate websites and other information sources.

Climate Bonds Initiative gathers more data than listed here. The wider data set is only available to Climate Bonds Partners. This additional data includes issuer type (sovereign, local government, financial corporate, etc) and summary use of proceeds. For more details check out the partner section of the website.