Labelled Green Bonds Data: Latest 3 Months
Labelled green bonds are bonds that earmark proceeds for climate or environmental projects and have been labelled as ‘green’ by the issuer. The Climate Bonds Initiative has been tracking the green labelled market since 2009. Information on the growth of the market is provided in our regular Market blogs and various country, regional and thematic reports, including our annual State of the Market report.
Please note the following points about the data:
- The purpose of this database is to track all self-labelled green bonds, subject to screening criteria explained in CBI Green Bond Database Methodology. All data is collected by the Climate Bonds Initiative and is filtered to include only:
1. bonds with 100% use of net proceeds financing or refinancing green/environmental projects - social bonds are not included.
2. bonds which are broadly aligned with the Climate Bonds Taxonomy. This means that, for example, bonds financing so-called "clean coal" are excluded.
- External review documents (such as second party opinions) are listed when publicly available, on a best efforts basis.
- More analysis on new issuers is available in our Market blog and our online bond library.
- Data is updated periodically and is therefore not live data.
Additional data points including identifiers are available through to Climate Bonds Partners through the Partner Zone of the website. Learn more about becoming a Climate Bonds Partner.
For any other queries on the data provided, please visit the Data Requests page and complete the relevant form.
Source: Climate Bonds, Bloomberg, Refinitiv EIKON, WIND, corporate websites and other information sources.
Climate Bonds Initiative gathers more data than listed here. The wider data set is only available to Climate Bonds Partners. This additional data includes issuer type (sovereign, local government, financial corporate, etc) and summary use of proceeds. For more details check out the partner section of the website.