
Mkt update: 1st GBs - ING EUR500m (7x oversubs!) + $800m, SocGén €500m (6x oversubs!), HSBC €500m. US Sthn Power $500m; IDBI 3x oversubs; CreditAg commits $2bn to buying GBs; C’wlth Govts set up $1bn fund with GBs; muni GBs from CN & NJ

Banks are driving growth in green bond markets ahead of this week’s COP21 in Paris with IDBI, ING, Société Générale and HSBC all issuing inaugural green bonds. And India’s financial services regulator says it’s working on regulations for the green bond market.


Double whammy from ING with $1.3bn of green bonds hitting the market (€500m, 0.75%, Ae/A1e, 5-yr;  $800m, 2%, Ae/A1e, 3-yr)

Update: Vive Paris! Green bond mkt builds with COP21 host City Paris issuing inaugural green bond €300m ($321.5m). Vermont, NRW Bank and KfW issue green bonds & more gossip!

The City of Paris last week issued an inaugural 300m green bond for renewable, low-carbon transport, energy efficiency and climate adaptation (300m ($321.5m) , 1.75%, 16 yrs)

Update: 1st GB from Mexico by Nafin, Climate Bonds Certified!! 3 reasons to get excited about Canada & GB’s; 1st JPN corp GB from SMBC, Hawaii’s 2nd GB, KfW GB $1.5bn. Oct issuance tops yr. Sustainability bonds from DBJ & BNG explained

The first green bond from Mexico issued by Nacional Financiera (Nafin), certified by Climate Bonds!! Check out our blog for full details!!

We see municipalities and development banks quickly catching up on green bond issuance over the past week or so! For three key issuances covered in this blog, we as usual share our thoughts on the green credentials of these bonds and further dive into the eligible projects under use of proceeds. 

Viva Mexico! Viva Nafin! First Mexican green bond – issued by Nafin & certified under the Climate Bond standard making it the first certified green bond in Latin America ($500m, 3.41%, BBB+ / A3, 5 yrs)

The Mexican state-owned development bank, Nacional Financiera S.N.C (Nafin), issued its inaugural green bond of $500m. The bond is the first green bond in Mexico, and also the first green bond in Latin America to receive internationally recognised Climate Bonds Certification by the

Over $3bn green bonds issued in Oct already! $1.25bn by EDF; $994.5m+ by Agricultural Bank of China; another DC Water GB $100m, repeated issuances, gossip and more!

Wow! What a great start to Q4; issuance is gearing up for Paris! A wide range of issuers are pumping more green bonds into the market - both repeat issuers and new comers from Asia, Plus, we have analysis on what the CarbonCount metric means for investors and as always analysis on the green credentials of some recent issues. 


Green Asset Backed Securities (ABS)