
Quarterly Newsletter: US Munis lead on green, new Criteria coming soon, latest Certified bonds, standards development, harmonisation, HLEG and... We're hiring!

Issue 4 of our Quarterly Newsletter

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New CBA Climate Bond: AUD 650m: Australia bolsters international best practice status

Australia’s emergence as an example of international best practice has been bolstered by Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) announcement of a AUD 650m Certified Climate Bond.

All four of Australia’s major banks have now issued Certified Climate Bonds, a status unmatched in any other advanced economy financial sector.


Green triple treat from Australia: Three Climate Certified GBs surface in a week!

With three new certified bonds just announced, Australia is cementing its reputation of green bonds best practice. FlexiGroup’s ABS, Queensland’s sub-sovereign and Westpac’s off-shore placement all gained our attention


FlexiGroup Greenium on 2nd Certified Solar Securisation