
Low Carbon Buildings Technical Working Group Reconvenes; New experts on board; TWG to address global advances in sustainable building standards, energy & emissions performance

Technical Working Group to analyse international developments in sustainable building to drive evolution of sector based investor-screening tool.


What’s it all about?

A little one: $6.9m PACE bond finances EE in Californian hotel

By Rozalia Walencik

Structured Finance Associates partnering with Los Angeles County, has issued an $6.9m PACE bond(Property Assessed Clean Energy bond) with proceeds financing energy efficient improvements to the “d2Dusit constance pasadena” project. Structured Finance worked with Celtic Bank to arrange the funding.

Reminder: register now for tomorrow's Webinar on Green Property Criteria! Or Thurs. This will be a huge slice of growing green / climate bonds market; an opportunity to find out about "what is green"

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We expect that Green Property Bonds are going to end up being 50% of the exploding green bonds market. Green Property Bonds can be issued against the whole value of a green building, or the value of a buildings portfolio. They can also be issued against a portfolio where the owners are planning to make it green. Lots of options.

But critical to making this concept work will be investor confidence in what is a green building. 

Green Property definitions for the Climate Bond Standards out for comment. Involves market specific benchmarks, esp. useful for property portfolios in big cities, driving $150bn p.a. mkt

London: the Climate Bonds Green Property Working Group of international experts today published their proposed rules as to what buildings can be used to issue Certified Climate Bonds. Climate Bonds and Green Bonds are where the bond proceeds go to assets important to addressing climate change. The new rules will help investors better understand the low carbon integrity of green building investments. They are part of the Climate Bonds Standard, a FairTrade-like labelling scheme for bonds.