
News: China tests green Munis / Koch-funded study confirms CC science / Green Climate Fund thaw

> China Green Munis: As a market test, the Chinese Govt has announced it will allow 2 cities and 2 provinces to issue local govt bonds for environmental projects. See and That's right, green and climate bonds, as foreshadowed in a number of mayoral speeches over the past year. It's still unclear whether overseas investors wanting to have an exposure to Chinese debt will be allowed to buy.

California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer Joins International Board Developing Standards for Climate Bonds

Goal to Assure Integrity of Green Claims for Investors, Governments

SACRAMENTO & LONDON – California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer today announced he has joined the Climate Bond Standards Board, which is supervising a program to provide investors and governments an easy way to assess the integrity of environmental claims for green bonds.

Fiduciary duty, pension funds and climate change

Fiduciary duty for a pension trustee is about protecting the financial interests of fund members in the long term. But pension funds and other institutional investors spend more time looking at the trees rather than at the forest – they invest effort in asset management, yet virtually nothing in identifying and taking steps to manage systemic risks. This is despite the fact that a large proportion of their returns and risks are driven by systemic changes - value destruction in recent years is clear evidence of that.