
IEA offers a modest 4 for 2 deal to the world / Jorgen Randers: dealing with climate change will consume 12% of global GDP by 2050 / Sydney Climate Bonds meet next Mon

The IEA released their new Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map report in London yesterday. It offers 4 measures they say can stop the emissions growth by 2020 at no net economic cost, reducing emissions by 3.1 G - that's 80% of the savings required for a 2 °C path:

Climate Bonds Standards Energy Efficiency Working Group starts work

Energy efficiency is a key investment area for the shift to a low-carbon economy. A Technical Working Group has been convened to develop eligibility criteria for the certification of energy efficiency related bonds under the Climate Bonds Standard.

The first meeting, via teleconference, was held on 20 July 2012.

This Working Group is focusing on the built environment; a separate Working Group will be convened to look at industrial and manufacturing energy efficiency.