Online & In-person Events

Online & In-person Events

In the wake of COVID-19 we have taken all our upcoming events onto online platforms of Webinars and Podcasts. Details are under Climate Bonds Connected and also below in our Events schedule.

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Annual Conference and ongoing training sessions:

Past Events

Oct 30, 2015 »

Hong Kong: World Green Building CouncilCongress 2015, Sean Kidney speaking

Oct 29, 2015 »

Paris: International Union of Railwaysworkshop: “Railways a Green Grow Approach: the benefits of investing in railways”, Justine Leigh-Bell speaking

Oct 28, 2015 »

London: Amazon Day - Brazil Ministry of Environment a BNDES, London. By invitation only, Justine Leigh-Bell speaking

Oct 23, 2015 »

London: London Stock Exchange: China green bonds roundtable of investors a issuers, Sean Kidney speaking

Oct 15, 2015 »

Belo Horizonte: SUSTENTAR 2015, 8 International Forum on Sustainable Development, Justine Leigh-Bell speaking

Oct 14, 2015 »

London: Citi roundtable, Energy Darwinism II, Sean Kidney speaking

Oct 9, 2015 »

Lima: "Exploring green investment opportunities in emerging markets" workshop, Sean Kidney speaking

Oct 8, 2015 »

Sao Paulo: WBCSD Brazil – bi-annual event, Justine Leigh-Bell speaking

Oct 8, 2015 »

New York: Fir meeting of Climate Bonds Legal Working Group, Sean Kidney & Motoko Aizawa speaking

Oct 7, 2015 »

Sao Paulo: World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD) Low Carbon TechnologyProgram Action 2020 Climate Dialogue, Justine Leigh-Bell speaking