Climate Bonds Blog

Posted: Feb 28, 2010

Energy Policy is perhaps the most authoritative international academic journal on energy policy.   It has just published a short piece on climate bonds.

Energy Policy journal on climate bonds
Posted: Feb 25, 2010

A day after launching a 600m Swedish Kroner Green Bond, the World Bank has launched another 10 new Green Bonds denominated in different currencies.

The 10 bonds are primarily for the new, open-ended, Nikko World Bank Green Bond fund, previously reported.

WB has raised over $1 billion with Green Bonds
Posted: Feb 23, 2010

A few weeks ago we told you about Nikko Asset Management’s new World Bank green bonds fund for Japanese investors. They’ve now created a Luxembourg fund aimed at European and Middle Eastern investors. It will be available in £, US$ and Euro share classes.

The fund - the first of its kind - can invest up to 100% of its portfolio in green bonds issued by the World Bank, with funds ring-fenced for World Bank funded climate change projects such as energy efficiency, renewable energy and reforestation.

Nikko launches WB green bond fund for EU & ME investors
Posted: Feb 3, 2010

The International Monetary Fund is planning to launch a $100 billion green fund as part of global efforts to stimulate economic growth and help finance low-carbon projects. Details of the fund and its financing are to be announced in about two weeks time.

IMF to launch green fund
Posted: Feb 2, 2010

LSE is today introducing a new bond trading platform for retail bonds intended to "improve transparency and pricing" (the size of the bid-offer spreads which can be very large). The aim is to make corporate bonds more accessible for retail investors, and so to open up a new source of financing for companies and others.

LSE introduces retail bond trading platform
Posted: Jan 28, 2010

What's unusual about this fund is that Nikko AM say they've developed the fund in cooperation with the World Bank, and they only invest in World Bank Green Funds, offered in a variety of currencies.

An interesting niche; they are confident of investor support within Japan. Worth noting that the country has already soaked up a series of World Bank Green Bond offerings.

What about Europe or the US?

Nikko to launch World bank Green Bond Fund
Posted: Jan 20, 2010

British Columbia's opposition party, the New Democrat, have announced a plan to issue Green Bonds to stimulate job growth and the new Green economy, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Canadians mulling Green Bonds
Posted: Jan 18, 2010

The World Bank has just done another NZD 75mm Green Bond, tailored for individual (retail) investors in Japan. They are billing them as "An innovative way for Japanese investors to help combat climate change through a high
quality bond investment". The lead manager is Daiwa.

New World Bank retail green bond
Posted: Jan 13, 2010

Nomura Securities Co. has announced that it will start selling environment-related bonds issued by Nordic Investment Bank on January 22.

Nordic's three-year bonds will be available in the New Zealand dollar and South African rand, with funds expected to be applied to loans for renewable energy and many other environmental projects.

Japanese media are referring to the bonds as "green bonds", a sign of local interest in such issues.

Nomura selling Nordic IB enviro bonds
Posted: Jan 6, 2010

A number of proposals for discussion have been added. For example, see

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