Sean Kidney, chair of the Climate Bonds Initiative, will be speaking about Climate Bonds at three events in the coming month.
The first is an "Environmental Bonds Webinar" on 15 October 2010. This will be an online presentation. Also presenting will be fellow Climate Bonds associates Christopher Flensborg of SEB Bank and Simon Petley or Enviromarket.
The second is Carbon Forum Asia, in Singapore 27-28 October 2010, in a session on "Green Bonds - a genuine new source of finance?". Sean will be sharing a platform with, among others, Morgan Stanley's Imtiaz Ahmad, notable for his hyperactive advocacy around IETA's Green Bonds proposals.
The third is Environmental Finance's Climate Finance Conference, in London 9-10 November 2010. Sean will be speaking with Climate Change Capital's Ben Caldecott on "Fixed returns to fix the planet".