A massive October green bonds media digest: FT x 7, Financial News, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Institutional Investor & lots of coverage in foreign languages

Read more in sections: market news & analysis, coverage in other languages, regional news, $200 billion mark, certified bonds & EU taxonomy.




Financial News, The three steps that would take green bonds mainstream, Colin Purdie

A September article that was missed in last month’s digest but deserves a mention.  CIO Credit at Aviva Investors lists major reforms that should be introduced in the green bonds market in order to overcome challenges it continues to face. He suggest tax relief, universal standards and safeguards for investors.

There are also long-standing problems relating to how green bonds are labelled and defined. Despite efforts to standardise the market, there is still no definitional framework everyone can agree on. In 2018, $23.7bn of bonds were issued with green labels that failed to meet the Climate Bonds Initiatives screening criteria, including by companies running coal-fired power stations in China.


Washington Post, The Explosion in Green Bonds Comes Without a Premium, Mark Gilbert

Author says that although the green bonds’ returns remain in line with the broader market, the papers are likely to eventually trade at a premium.

As more money flows into ESG-friendly securities, it seems likely that they will eventually trade at a premium to the rest of the debt market — at which point the early adopters will reap the rewards for getting in ahead of the pack.


The Wall Street Journal, Climate-Activist Countries Fuel Record Year for Green Bonds, Matt Wirz

Author dives into sovereign green issuances and shares details of the Chilean bond’s roadshow.

The growth comes regardless of complaints that some issuance quantities to greenwashingby corporate borrowers who label deals as green bonds despite dubious environmental benefits. Chile licensed its program with the Climate Bond Initiative, a market watchdog, to bulletproof the credibility of its deal.


Financial Times, Bankers push back against ‘greenwashing’ criticism, Patrick Temple-West

Bankers interviewed for the article feel that the industry has made a huge progress in assessing what green bond deals are genuinely beneficial for the environment. They claim that greenwashing does not happen often.

Financial market participants are now not only able but also interested in having an informed debate about what is green enoughto merit a green bond label,she said [Johanna Köb, head of responsible investment at insurance group Zurich], calling it one of the biggest achievements of the industry so far.


Financial Times Moral Money, Green bonds hit $1tn amid growing pains, Gillian Tett,

Product that was consider “outlandish” in 2007 has just burst through the $1 trillion outstanding mark. Author of the article says it reflects the growing momentum.

But this month cumulative issuance finally burst through the $1tn mark, and there is now not just rising volume but a new variety of green bonds — including, most notably, a recent experimental $1.5bn “sustainability” issue from Enel, the Italian energy company.


Financial Times, Poor market reception for Teekay issue throws spotlight on eco-friendly financing, Billy Nauman

Cold investor reception of the Teekay green bond highlights the pressing need for a common standard in the green bonds market.

Teekays struggle to raise capital is a rarity in the green bond market, which has been especially hot this year. Global issuance has been on a record-setting pace and many of the securities coming to market have been oversubscribed by investors.


Financial Times, What will Christine Lagarde’s ECB look like?, Martin Arnold

In an article that outlines the predictions for Lagarde’s presidency of ECB, author stresses her determination to address climate change and “appetite” to start buying green bonds from governments.

Appearing before the European Parliament in a confirmation hearing in September, Ms Lagarde also promised to make tackling climate change a mission criticalpriority at the ECB. She told MEPs it could directits asset purchases towards green bonds once regulators agree a common framework for sustainable finance.


Financial Times, LSE lays down tougher rules for green bond reporting, Patrick Temple-West

Author suggests that London Stock Exchange’s tougher access-rules for green bonds listed on its exchange are a sign of rising competition between exchanges.

Bonds issued by companies with revenues dominated by green activities will be required to submit annual, verified reports about how the proceeds are being used, the exchange said on Friday, while the Green Economy Markwill identify equity issuers with at least half of their revenues coming from environmental activities.


Investment News, Green bond market just getting started, Jeff Benjamin

Financiers interviewed for the article suggest that green bonds will eventually enjoy a preferential treatment in the marketplace because they will be perceived “risk-less in one category”.

Michael Temple, portfolio manager and director of credit research at Amundi Pioneer, said green bonds could eventually pay lower yields because they could be viewed as "riskless in one category."  For corporations and municipalities issuing bonds, that could mean lower borrowing costs, which directly impacts the bottom line, thus driving more corporations to adopt green policies.


Institutional Investor, Green Bonds Push Beyond Niche and the ‘Greenium’

In a article for Institutional Investor, Lyxor argues that green bonds already are beyond the “niche market” stage.

In short, its becoming increasingly clear that green bonds are here to stay. And in a context of increasing investor scrutiny of the risks of greenwashing, independent experts like the Climate Bonds Initiative can help ensure youre getting exactly what it says on the tin.


Bloomberg, Investors Aim to Save Emerging Markets Portfolios With Green Bonds,  Sydney Maki.

Author says that buying a green bond means “staying on the right side of history”.

Global issuance of green debt, which focuses on environmental investing, could reach $350 billion to $400 billion next year, a 60% increase from whats expected for 2019, said Sean Kidney, chief executive officer of the Climate Bonds Initiative in London.


Bloomberg, As Green Bonds Boom, So Do ‘Greenwashing’ Worries, Lyubov Pronina and Tom Freke

Bloomberg’s Q&A answers basic green bonds questions such as who sells them, who buys them and if those who decide to buy compromise their returns.

Fund managers also like the notes as a way of meeting growing investor demand for sustainable options. The market, which opened slowly more than a decade ago, has boomed in recent years, helping spur development of other socially conscious debt products.


Bloomberg, Green Bonds Might Soon Find Their Ultimate Buyer: Central Banks, David Caleb Mutua

Several central banks around the world started buying green bond or consider doing so in the near future.

The European Central Bank has been buying the debt as part of its asset repurchase program. Hungary and Frances central banks have each created funds dedicated to ecological investments. Now Peru is considering buying green bonds, too (…).


Washington Post, Here’s How ‘Green Finance’ Aims to Save the Planet, Tom Freke

Author of the Q&A highlights the shortage of projects as a ‘roadblock” for green finance.

Green bonds are quite restrictive: Their proceeds have to be used exclusively for green purposes. Thats left many companies uncertain whether they would qualify.


Ethical Corporation, The disruptors: Wall Street’s green bond warrior,  Oliver Balch

A gripping story of green bonds told alongside the career story of “Wall Street green bond warrior” Marilyn Ceci. A recommended read.

Also working in their favour is their positivity, she notes. Until the arrival of green bonds, investors interested in sustainability had grown habituated to a long list of industries with “don’t buylabels by their name: fossil fuels, heavy industry, air travel, etcetera. With green bonds, investors suddenly had an instrument that pointed them towards attractive opportunities, not away from nasty ones.


The Fifth Estate, A “+4 degree world is not insurable” so why invest in brown assets?, Willow Aliento

The Australian online publication looks at recommendations put forward in recent CBI’s report “Tilting the playing field – the role of central banks”.

According to a new report from the CBI banks need to develop a brown taxonomy” – to identify assets that are increasingly vulnerable to sharp revaluations and pricing volatility from climate mitigation policy and physical risks.


Project Syndicate, Quantitative Greening, Laura Tyson, Afsaneh Beschloss

Authors claim that while central banks have a role to play, it is primarily up to the private sector and governments to pull their weight and make necessary low-carbon investments.

Central banks and financial regulators have a vital role to play in closing information and disclosure gaps, altering market incentives in favor of low-carbon investments, and developing stress tests and other analytical tools that could become invaluable public goods for a world struggling with climate change. But they will not be the ones driving the transition to a low-carbon future.


Eco-Business, Financing the green transition, Bertrand Badré and Antoine Sire

Author sees transition bonds as an important actor in the global transition to a low-carbon economy. He says that this new market should follow the development road of green bonds with standards and disclosure mechanisms.

Two possibilities in particular look promising. First, new transition bondscan finance projects aimed at helping industries become more sustainable, produce less carbon and waste, and/or improve social wellbeing through fair labor and workplace practices. The cement, mining, steel, gas, and agriculture sectors, for example, are prime candidates for such financing.


Yahoo Finance, Credit Suisse exec: Firms ignoring climate change could 'go to zero’, Oscar Williams-Grut

The article outlines views on the future of carbon-intensive investments expressed by Marisa Drew of Credit Suisse. Banks collaboration with the Climate Bonds Initiative is highlighted.

As part of the push to migrate to green energy, Credit Suisse has partnered with the Climate Bonds Initiative to create a new market for transition bonds. Businesses that dont meet the criteria to issue green bondscan issue transition notes to help fund the move towards greener energy and practices.


International Financial Law Review, Risk of greenwashing stokes interest in sustainability taxonomies, Karry Lai

From transition bonds to sustainable development goal (SDG) bonds, various versions of green bonds are popping up in the market. While some believe they can help generate interest in sustainable investing, what is needed is global harmonisation on sustainable taxonomies.


Environmental Finance, CBI says 2019 saw largest green bond spread compression

The first half of 2019 saw the largest average spread compression and oversubscription of green bonds for two-and-a-half years, according to the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).


Environmental Finance, Green bond comment, November 2019: A market in transition

The sustainability bond markets are in a state of creative chaos and are evolving in order to stay relevant, argues Peter Cripps.






Fréttablaðið, Hlýn­­un jarð­­ar tor­v­eld­­i á­­vöxt­­un líf­­eyr­­is­­sjóð­­a, Helgi Vífill Júlíusson

Sean Kidney talking to the largest Icelandic newspaper compares global warming to a cancer “that will kill you if nothing is done”. Kidney was in Iceland to speak to country’s Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and the Environment Minister about green bonds.

Hann stýrir samtökum sem vinna að því að virkja skuldabréfamarkaði á heimsvísu í þágu umhverfismála. Fossar Markaðir gengu nýverið til liðs við þau og fengu Kidney til að ræða við forsætisráðherra, fjármálaráðherra og umhverfisráðherra Íslands á mánudag um græn skuldabréf.


Morgunblaðið, Ísland gæti orðið fyrst með eingöngu græn skuldabréf

CEO of the Climate Bonds Initiative told the publication that Iceland could become the first country in the world issuing solely green bonds.

Kidney, sem fundaði fyrr í vik­unni með for­sæt­is­ráðherra, fjár­málaráðherra og um­hverf­is­ráðherra, og talaði jafn­framt á fund­um með fjár­fest­um og út­gef­end­um skulda­bréfa, seg­ir að viðtök­ur við máli hans hafi verið góðar. Íslenski markaður­inn sé enda mjög mót­tæki­leg­ur fyr­ir umræðu um um­hverf­is­mál.




HBL, Alla marscherar inte för klimatet – gula västar och knorrande glesbygd ger svår demokratiekvation, Peter Buchert

The Finish publication analyses the European politics landscape with those that say yes to strong measures that limit carbon emissions and those who follow the public mood and stand aside. Author quotes the gloom predictions from Sean Kidney that might materialise if the world doesn’t get a grip on climate change.

Allt det har vi hört förut, fast inte så mycket från finansbranschen, men nu tar den ton. Sean Kidney, vd för Climate Bonds Initiative säger att vi står inför ett sekel av krig, hungersnöd, pandemier och massmigration som vi har ställt till det, och att klimatinsatserna kan lindra misären.




Private Banking Magazine, Die Politik sollte grüne Anleihen fördern, Colin Purdie

Colin Purdie’s article is an answer to the critique of the green bonds market expressed earlier this year by Hiro Mizuno, CIO of the Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund. Purdie proves that green bonds are “more than just a fad”. He also suggest ways to reform the market in order to push it to mainstream.

Ebenfalls problematisch ist, wie grüne Anleihen gekennzeichnet und definiert werden. Einen einheitlichen und von allen akzeptierten Rahmen gibt es nicht trotz aller Bemühungen der Climate-Bonds-Initiative, der International Capital Market Association (Herausgeber der Green Bond Principles) und der Europäischen Kommission.


Tichys Einblick, Klima: Die gekaufte Rebellion, Ansgar Neuhof

Article includes an extensive profile on Climate Bonds Initiative with the organisation background and its achievements over the years.

Die Lobbyarbeit der Climate Bonds Initiative beginnt sich auszuzahlen. Vor allem auch in Deutschland. Ganz im Sinne der Initiative und der verpartnerten Finanzindustrie fordern die eher antikapitalistisch ausgerichteten deutschen Umweltverbände (…) in einem gemeinsamen Papier unter anderem staatliche Klima-Fonds mit Kreditermächtigung und öffentliche „grüne“ Schatzbriefe.


FinNews, Grüne Welle setzt Credit Suisse unter Druck

Swiss publication covers the CBI-Credit Suisse partnership on transition bonds.

Bei der Partnerschaft mit der CS gehe es jetzt darum, Unternehmen und Investoren weitere Wege zu eröffnen, um den strukturellen Wandel in Geschäftsmodellen und Kapitalmärkten zur Erreichung dieser laut Kidney «kritischen globalen Ziele» zu beschleunigen. 


China.org.cn German, Die fünf führenden Länder bei der Emission von Green Bonds 2018

Article outlines findings of the Climate Bonds Initiative’s 2018 State of the Market report published earlier this year.

Laut einem Bericht der Climate Bonds Initiative, einer internationalen, auf Investoren ausgerichteten gemeinnützigen Organisation, blieb China 2018 mit über 30 Milliarden US-Dollar der zweitgrößte Markt für grüne Anleihen.




Focus Risparmio, I transition bond contro il rischio greenwashing, Cinzia Meoni

Author says that although green is beautiful and profitable, alone, it might not be enough to achieve fast transition to a low-carbon economy. He highlights the need to develop transition bonds market and talks about Climate Bonds-Credit Suisse partnership.

Tutti i principali settori industriali affrontano la sfida della transizione, affrontando i cambiamenti climatici, lobiettivo a zero emissioni di carbonio e, più in generale, di sostenibilità” ha dichiarato Sean Kidney, a capo della Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), annunciando proprio in questi giorni lavvio di una collaborazione con Credit Suisse in tema di transition bond; (…)


AdvisorOnline.it, Green bond, i tre passi per renderli mainstream, Colin Purdie

Author, CIO Credit at Aviva Investors, lists the challenges that face the green bonds market but doesn’t fall short of suggesting solutions.

Nel 2018, sono stati emessi 23,7 miliardi di obbligazioni con etichetteverdi che non hanno soddisfatto i criteri di selezione della Climate Bonds Initiative, anche da parte di società che gestiscono centrali elettriche a carbone in Cina.




blico, Obrigações verdes, um instrumento para financiar a descarbonização, Ana Brito

An introduction to green bonds in large Portuguese newspaper.

Se em 2008 o montante global emitido nestes títulos era inferior a 500 milhões de dólares, em 2018, o valor aproximou-se dos 168 mil milhões (segundo dados da Climate Bond Initiative) e a expectativa é que em 2019 estas emissões continuem a aumentar e atinjam os 250 mil milhões de dólares” a nível global, sublinhou ao PÚBLICO a presidente executiva da Euronext Lisboa, Isabel Ucha. 




Les Echos, Les émissions de « green bonds » battent un nouveau record, Guillaume Benoit

Author wonders if there is a “Greta Thunberg effect” in the green bonds market that has been expanding rapidly this year.

Le  record de 2018 , 170 milliards de dollars, est déjà dépassé. Les levées de fonds vertes et sociales atteignaient déjà 210 milliards de dollars à la mi-octobre, portant le montant total d'obligations de ce type en circulation à 640 milliards d'euros, selon Bloomberg.




China Times, Green debts broke record in the first half of the year, 陳碧芬

China Times looks at impressive green issuance figures reported in the first half of 2019.





Kommersant, Ответственные инвестиции по-российски, Vitaliy Gaidaev

Green starts to gain meaning also in Russian finance sphere.

В начале апреля Московская биржа присоединилась к международной инициативе «Биржи за устойчивое развитие», а уже в августе открыла специальную секцию ценных бумаг устойчивого развития. «Облигации для включения в этот сектор должны соответствовать принципам для зеленых облигаций International Capital Market Association (ICMA) и стандарту для зеленых облигаций международной некоммерческой организации Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).




Latin America


Bloomberg, BID impulsa emisión de bonos verdes en América Latina, Caleb Mutua

IDB that is currently helping several LatAM borrowers structure sales of green bonds expects that local issuers will raise up to $7,000 million for green projects in 2020.

Brasil, Chile y México son los mayores mercados de bonos verdes en América Latina y el Caribe, con empresas no pertenecientes al sector financiero, fondos soberanos y bancos de desarrollo que representan el 80% de la emisión total, según Climate Bonds Initiative. Hasta julio, las compañías chilenas habían vendido US$366 millones en bonos verdes y sociales en 2019, según datos del mercado de Santiago.


Bonds & Loans, HSBC Sees Green ‘Truly Entering Mainstream’ as Chile Takes ESG Funding Innovation to Next Level

Articles provides an interesting insight into Latin America’s first sovereign green bond issuance from Chile.

Globally, the share of total green bonds issued by sovereigns has grown from 1% in 2016 to 16% in 2019, according to Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) data, and emerging market sovereigns in particular like Poland, Fiji, Lithuania, Indonesia, Nigeria, and most recently, Chile have played important roles in using a wide array of green and sustainable formats to finance key projects that help mitigate the effects of climate change.




Quick Money World, マネーが来た 「ESGなどキレイ事ですって? How dare You!」の時代, Kiyoji Iwakiri

Author says that green bonds issuance is Japan experiences “a momentum”.

世界市場で話題となっているのが環境債(グリーンボンド=GB)。GBの発行状況を集計しているクライメート・ボンズ・イニシアティブ(Climate Bonds Initiative:https://www.climatebonds.net)によると、年初から直近までに発行されたGBは1786億ドルで既に2018年の年間の発行額(1709億ドル)を上回ったという。CBIは19年の年間発行額を2500億ドルと見込んでいる。


Business + IT, SDGsで追い風「グリーンファイナンス」とは? 5年で発行15倍「グリーンボンド」も解説

Author quotes data that shows that amount of green bonds issued in Japan grew more than 7 times in the last two years.



China & Asia-Pacific


Financial Times, Asia-Pacific issuance of green bonds hits record high of $18.9bn, George Hammond

Landscape of sustainable investing in Asia is very different today than just few years ago.

But led by China and South Korea, the region is now catching upto more established markets in the west, said HSBC. Chinas green bond market has seen $8.13bn of activity this year, equivalent to 43 per cent of the regional total, according to Dealogic. In South Korea, $4.23bn has been raised. 


South China Morning Post, Asia behind in sustainable investment, but attitudes are changing, industry leaders say, Chad Bray

Similarly toned article in South China Morning Post.

Some US$21.8 billion of green bonds were issued in China in the first half of this year, a 62 per cent increase from the year-earlier period, according to the non-profit Climate Bonds Initiative. There were US$117.8 billion of green bonds aligned with international definitions issued globally in the first half of 2019.




Financial Express, Govt must set up an investment trust to fund green infrastructure projects, Anil Kumar G

Author, Joint GM & CS in Kerala Rail Development Corporation, puts forward a specific recommendations for Indian government.

The government can do well by setting up a Green Investment Trust, an agency for green financing, to fund the green infrastructure projects of the country. The trust can tap the green funds abroad and channel the same towards the green projects in India, including clean transportation. The financial incentives in terms of low-cost funds will trigger infrastructure investments in clean transport.




Swiss Info, How Swiss investors are reacting to climate activism, Paula Dupraz-Dobias

Author looks at sustainable finance developments in Switzerland. Interviewed for the article Justine Leigh-Bell, CBI’s market development director, says that although “Swiss banking sector long rested on its laurel”, recent declarations from UBS CEO could be a sign of change.

Leigh-Bell said Ermottis direction to strengthen sustainability may represent a turning point in the sector in Switzerland. As one of the largest asset management firms in the world, when they speak, the market reacts. Switzerland is waking up to this. Given the pools of capital here, this is a huge development,she said.




Several Irish news reports confirmed the government will be raising up to €1.5 via another green bond sale.

Reuters, Ireland to sell more green debt to fund environmental projects, Padraic Halpin

Ireland mandated a number of banks on Wednesday to sell more of its 11-year green bond, the debt agencys second foray into an increasingly popular market that raises capital for projects with environmental benefits.


The Irish Times, NTMA to sell up to €1.5bn of ‘green bonds’, Joe Brennan

The move comes a year after the States debt management agency tapped this fast-growing area of global debt markets for 3 billion in an inaugural green-bond sale.


The Independent, State to auction up to €1.5bn in 'green bonds' to fund climate change projects, Shawn Pogatchnik

The NTMA confirmed it had hired Barclays, BofA Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Danske Bank, Davy and JP Morgan to manage the auction of Sovereign Green Bonds, due for redemption in 2031.



On 21st October Climate Bonds Initiative reported that 2019 issuance of green bonds has just passed USD200bn. Media reports below.


Reuters, Green bond issuance surpasses $200 bln so far this year, Nina Chestney

Global green bond and loan issuance has surpassed $200 billion so far this year, putting the market on track to reach $230 billion to $250 billion by the end of the year, the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) said on Wednesday.


Business Green, Green bond market on track for 'another record year’, Toby Hill and James Murray

Two separate reports have this week confirmed the global green bond market is set for a fresh record this year, with issuances topping $200bn.


Zawya, Green bonds, project finance on focus as Dubai drives Middle East's green economy, Gerard Aoun

Green bonds are used more and more in financing sustainable projects and the global green bond market has grown to roughly $200 billion today, from nothing five years ago.


Financial Post, Green bond issuance surpasses $200 bln so far this year

Based on these figures, 2019 will be another record year for green finance. New sovereigns are entering the market and pioneers like France, Poland and Nigeria are now repeat green issuers,said Sean Kidney, chief executive of CBI.


Energy Live News, New global record as green bonds issuance tops $200bn,  Priyanka Shrestha

According to Climate Bonds Initiative, the figure of $202.2 billion (£157bn) that was recorded on 22nd October 2019 marks an all-time high for the green market.


Business Recorder, Green bond issuance surpasses $200 billion so far this year

Global issuance as of Oct. 22 stood at $202.2 billion, after a flurry of green bonds and loans from Singapore, Japan, Sweden and China, the CBI said. 


City Wire Selector, Green bonds cross $200bn milestone in record issuance year,  Jessica Beard

Total issuance of the sovereign bonds was $25.8 billion, representing 13% of issuance year-to-date. France, Belgium, Poland, Ireland and Indonesia are among the repeat sovereign issuers.   


ETF Trends, It’s Been Another Big Year For Green Bonds

The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) published an update yesterday detailing how green bond and loan issuance for 2019 has just passed $200bn, marking an all-time high for the market and setting the stage for annual issuance reaching between $230 and $250bn by year-end.


Hindu Business Line, Green bonds issuance fast turning red-hot, M Ramesh

In June, the global green bond issuance reached a milestone $ 100 billion. It was the fastest hundred billion in any year. But in only four months, the greens have dashed past the next milestone, as another $ 100 billion worth of bonds were issued.


IEX Profs, Uitgifte green bonds door het dak

De markt voor groene obligaties heeft dit jaar met een totale uitgifte van meer dan 200 miljard dollar alle records gebroken, zo heeft Climate Bonds Initiative becijferd.


Börsen Zeitung, Grüner Triumph, Kai Johannsen

Emissionsgeschwindigkeit und damit auch erreichte Emissionsvolumina sind beeindruckend. Der weltweite Markt für Green Bonds und Loans hat nach Angaben der Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) vor wenigen Tagen die Marke von 200 Mrd. Dollar übertroffen.


Naftemporiki, Πράσινα ομόλογα: Έσπασαν το φράγμα του 1 τρισ. δολ.

Φέτος για πρώτη φορά οι εκδόσεις των πράσινων ομολόγων και δανείων έχουν ήδη υπερβεί τα 200 δισ. δολάρια, ενώ υπολογίζεται ότι θα κλείσουν τη χρονιά στα 230 δισ. με 250 δισ. δολάρια, σύμφωνα με στοιχεία, που παρουσίασε η Climate Bonds Initiative.


EcoZen, ΕΕ: Ξεκινούν οι συνομιλίες για τους κανόνες των «πράσινων» επενδύσεων




Energy Absolute (Thai bond)


The Asset, ADB invests in green bonds for Thai wind power project, Chito Santiago

This will be the second Climate Bonds Standard-certified bond issued by a Thai energy company and the first green bond for a wind power project in Thailand.


EQ International, ADB Invests 3 Billion Thai Baht in Energy Absolute’s Green Bond for Wind Farm Development, Anand Gupta

The bond will have a total issuance of 10 billion Thai Baht. It will only be the second Climate Bonds Standard-certified bond issued by a Thai energy company and the first green bond for a wind power project in Thailand.


NS Energy Business, ADB to invest $98.7m in Energy Absolute’s Hanuman wind farm in Thailand

With a total of THB10bn ($330m), the bond issuance is claimed to be the second Climate Bonds Standard-certified bond issued by a Thai energy company and the first green bond for a wind power project in Thailand.

ทันหุ้น, เอดีบีลงทุนหุ้นกู้เพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อมมูลค่า3พันล้านบาท

การออกหุ้นกู้เพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อม มูลค่ารวมทั้งสิ้น 10 พันล้านบาท เป็นการออกหุ้นกู้ครั้งที่ 2 ของบริษัทพลังงานในประเทศไทยที่ผ่านการรับรองมาตรฐานจาก Climate Bond Standard และเป็นการออกหุ้นกู้เพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อมสำหรับการลงทุนในพลังงานลมเป็นครั้งแรกของประเทศไทยอีกด้วย การออกหุ้นกู้ดังกล่าวจะใช้เพื่อการลงทุนในโครงการใหม่ หรือโครงการที่ดำเนินการอยู่ และอาจเป็นการลงทุนบางส่วน


Renewables Now, ADB to invest in THB-10bn green bond in Thailand,


Bangkok Post, 3 firms seek green bond nod


Saur Energy International, ADB Invests Rs 704 Crore in Thai Green Bond, Ayush Verma


Bakhtar News Agency, ADB Invests Rs 704 Crore in Thai Green Bond (print)


OilandGasMiddleEast.com, ADB to invest $98.7m in Energy Absolutes Hanuman wind farm in Thailand


ArabianBusiness.com, ADB invests in green bonds for Thai wind power project

AsianPower, ADB invests $98.7m in 260MW Thai wind farm
Power Engineering International, ADB invests $97m in Thailand windfarm green bond

Power Technology, Asian Development Bank invests in green bond in Thailand

Nation Thailand, ADB to pour Bt3 billion in Energy Absolute's green bonds

mcot.net, ADB Invests Bt 3 Billion in Energy Absolute's GreenBond for Wind Farm Development

Power Technology, Asian Development Bank invests in green bond in Thailand, Jack Unwin and Umesh Ellichipuram

ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์ในประเทศ, ภาพข่าว: แลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์การระดมทุนผ่านพันธบัตรสีเขียว

ทันหุ้น, EAรับจริงรัฐหนุนB10ชูกรีนบอนด์ลดต้นทุน

MoneyandBanking, ADB ลงนามซื้อกรีนบอนด์ของ EA มูลค่า 3 พันล้านบาท
ThaiPublica, เอดีบีลงทุนกรีนบอนด์บ.พลังงานบริสุทธิ์ 3 พันล้านบาท หนุนพัฒนาพลังงานทดแทน-ลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนของไทย

newsconnext.com, EA ขายหุ้นกู้ให้ ADB มูลค่า 3 พันล.

newsconnext.com, ตลท.เตรียมถก ก.ล.ต. หนุน Green Bond

kaohoon.com, ก.ล.ต. เผย บจ.กลุ่มพลังงาน-ขนส่ง ต่อคิวออก "Green Bond" เพียบ! ตลท.เล็งหาแนวทางช่วยหนุน

komchadluek.net, ผุดโปรเจกท์ใหญ่ได้เพราะ”ตุ้ย"พิศิษฐ์ มีลูกอยู่ในเจนแซด : คมชัดลึกออนไลน์

mitihoon.com, ”แลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์การระดมทุนผ่านพันธบัตรสีเขียว" - มิติหุ้น | ชี้ชัดทุกการลงทุน

efinancethai.com, ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ฯ แลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์การระดมทุนผ่านพันธบัตรสีเขียว

mgronline.com, ตลท.เปิดสัมมนาแลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์การระดมทุนผ่านพันธบัตรสีเขียว

เว็บไซต์โพสต์ทูเดย์, เอดีบีลงทุนหุ้นกู้เพื่อสิ่งแวดล้อมมูลค่า3พันล้านบาท

ทันหุ้น, ADB ซื้อ Green Bond ของ EA 3 พันลบ. ค่าลงทุนโครงการหนุมาน, Thidarat Henprom


Terna Energy (Greek bond)


Reuters, Terna Energy Finance to launch green bond tender offer Oct. 16

Terna Energy Finance, the financing arm of Terna Energy, will launch a tender on Oct. 16 for a green bond loan of up to 150 million euros, it said on Monday.


Fortune Greece, ΕΥ: Υπηρεσίες διασφάλισης στο «πράσινο» ομόλογο της Τέρνα Ενεργειακή

Το ομόλογο έλαβε την πιστοποίηση “Climate Bond Certified” από τον οργανισμό Climate Bonds Initiative, ως αποτέλεσμα της διασφάλισης


Fortune Greece, Τι είναι τα πράσινα ομόλογα και γιατί θεωρούνται «the next big thing» από τους επενδυτές

Η πρώτη έκδοση πράσινου ομολόγου στην Ελλάδα μπορεί να είναι γεγονός, αλλά σίγουρα δεν θα είναι η τελευταία – Ποια τα οικονομικά μεγέθη και γιατί διεθνείς επενδυτές αλλά και ο ΟΗΕ στρέφονται στο «πράσινο» χρέος.


Building Green, ΕΥ: Έργο διασφάλισης του 1ου πράσινου ομολόγου που εκδόθηκε στην Ελλάδα από την Τερνα Ενεργειακη


SteelGuru, EBRD Invests in TERNA ENERGY Green Bond

Όπως επισημαίνει η εταιρεία, το ομόλογο έλαβε την πιστοποίηση “Climate Bond Certified” από τον οργανισμό Climate Bonds Initiative, ως αποτέλεσμα της διασφάλισης.


Balkan Green Energy News, Terna Energy Finance to launch green bond offer on October 16, Svetlana Jovanović


Energy World, Terna Energy Finance to launch green bond tender offer October 16


RenewBiz, EBRD backs Terna Energy Greek green bond


Smart Energy International, EBRD backs green bond to boost Greece’s renewables


The Indicator, Ο ρόλος της ΕΥ στο «πράσινο» ομόλογο της ΤΕΡΝΑ Ενεργ.


Ekathimerini, Greece’s first green bond is out next week


Sparebanken Sør Boligkreditt


Global Capital, Sør Boligkreditt to become fourth Norwegian green covered bond issuer, Bill Thornhill

Sparebanken Sør Boligkreditt will become the fourth Norwegian bank to issue a green covered bond and has mandated leads for a roadshow following publication of its green and sustainability framework.


Global Capital, Covered bond trio pounce on higher yields, Bill Thornhill


Acorn Holdings  (Kenya’s first green bond)


Bloomberg, Kenya’s first green bond underperforms in dry corporate market

The notes are certified under the Climate Bonds Standard, which ensures the money genuinely contributes to reducing carbon emissions.


Reuters, Kenya's first green bond issue raises 4.3 billion shillings, Duncan Miriri

Kenya’s first green bond has raised 4.3 billion shillings ($41.45 million) to build environmentally-friendly student accommodation, the issues lead arranger said on Thursday.


Xinhua, Kenya launches first corporate green bond to help fight climate change, Mu Xuequan

According to Nyaoma, the green bond is aligned to the objective of the Kenya Green Bond Programme, which anchors the private sector to promote sustainable development through climate-friendly investment in Kenya.


CGTN Africa, Kenya closes its first ever green bond, Christine Maema

Issued by Acorn Holdings, the bond has been certified as green by the UK Climate Bonds Initiative due to its expected contribution to reducing carbon emissions.


Financial Times, Moral Money: Thunberg thunder, pick ’n’ mix ESG, green frontiers


KBC Channel, Kenya’s first ever Green Bond issuance launched, Benson Rioba


The Star, Kenya's first green bond issue raises Sh4.3 billion


Afric21, KENYA: Green bond gives Acorn $41 million for eco-friendly housing


Standard Digital, Kenya's first green bond raises Sh4.3 billion


Electrec, Kenya’s first green bond raises $41.45 million, Michelle Lewis


Wee Tracker, World’s Largest Pension Investment Vehicle Eyes Investments in Africa,  Vincent Matinde


ING Bank Śląski (ING Poland)


Global Capital, ING Poland looks to euros after green covereds, Bill Thornhill

ING Poland has issued its first covered bond, a deal secured on green assets denominated in zloty.


Parkiet, ING wyemituje kolejne zielone listy zastawne, Maciej Rudke


Forsal, ING Bank Hipoteczny wyemituje 5-letnie zielone listy zastawne warte 400 mln zł


money.pl, ING Bank Hipoteczny wyemituje 5-letnie zielone listy zastawne warte 400 mln zł


money.pl, EBOR zainwestował 80 mln zł w zielone listy zastawne ING Banku Hipotecznego


bankier.pl, ING Bank Hipoteczny wyemituje zielone listy zastawne o wartości 400 mln zł


bankier.pl, EBOiR objął zielone listy zastawne ING Banku Hipotecznego o wartości 80 mln zł




Coverage in English


Euractiv, Sustainable finance drive can help address EU’s political challenges, Sandrine Dixon-Declève and Tom Jess


Euractiv, Gas industry storms into EU green finance taxonomy debate, Frédéric Simon


Euractiv, Bioenergy, forestry sectors jump on EU’s green finance bandwagon, Frédéric Simon


BNP Paribas Investor Corner, Towards a sustainable finance system: further yet to go


RFI, EU's ambitious 'green deal' is around the corner, but divisions remain, Amanda Morrow


New Zealand Herald, Sustainable Finance: Floating green finance, Pip Best


Coverage in German


Frankfurter Allgemeine, Absage an eine grüne Geldpolitik, Antonia Mannweiler


Handelsblatt, Klare Regeln sollen den Markt für grüne Finanzanlagen voranbringen, Ruth Berschens Ingo Narat Yasmin Osman Donata Riedel


Handelsblatt, Ingo Speich: „Nachhaltigkeits-Label für Finanzprodukte greifen zu kurz“, Anke Reimer


Börsen Zeitung, Sustainable Finance: Fluch und Segen für Immobilienfonds


Tagesspiegel, Atomkraft ist Spaltpilz für EU-Taxonomie, Rolf Obertreis


Börsen Zeitung, Von Buzzwords zu konkreten Produktstrategien


Börsen Zeitung, Finanzsystem muss umweltfreundlicher werden


Private Banking Magazin, Profianleger beklagen hohe Zahl an Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen, Tobias Bürger


Private Banking Magazin, Taxonomie für Nachhaltigkeit verzögert sich, Tobias Bürger


Achgut.com, EU-Ministerrat: Atomenergie kann „grün“ sein


Eco Reporter, DVFA: Immer mehr Anleger fragen nach grünen Geldanlagen


Finanzen.net, Finanzprofis nehmen Nachhaltigkeit zunehmend ernst


Coverage in French


Alternatives Economiques, «N’abandonnons pas la transition écologique aux marchés», Benoît Lallemand


Novethic, Axonomie européenne, budget vert… quand le débat nucléaire a enfin du sens


Novethic, Après "L’échec" de l’epr, bruno le maire se bat pour promouvoir le nucléaire comme un investissement durable, Ludovic Dupin


Les Echos, La définition de la finance verte n’est pas seulement une affaire de banquiers


AllNews, Les labels ESG doivent être transnationaux


Finance & Strategy, Taxonomie en vert et contre tout : l'UE veut plus de transparence sur les activités durables


Paperjam, La leçon chinoise de finance durable de Ma Jun, Laura Fort


Paperjam, «Mieux formaliser le cadre de la finance durable», Laura Fort


Euractiv, Bioénergie et sylviculture veulent des financements verts de l’UE, Frédéric Simon


Euractiv, Le gaz tente de s’immiscer dans la finance durable, Frédéric Simon


Coverage in Italian


We Wealth, Tassonomia, in arrivo il primo rinvio, Costanza Fitzroy


ETicaNews, Ubp: «Un buon Esg non significa impact», Victoria Leggett


Formiche, Agevolazioni e investimenti, le proposte di Lucaselli (FdI) per uno sviluppo sostenibile


Valori, Giegold: «Investimenti etici vittime della guerra franco-tedesca»


Costo Zero, Bicciato: «la finanza sostenibile può essere conveniente», Raffaella Venerando


Coverage in Spanish


El Economista, La inversión sostenible española crece un 3,1% en 2018 y llega a los 191.278 millones, Tomás Díaz


Energías Renovables, A la bioenergía europea no le gustan los primeros pasos del reglamento de finanzas sostenibles, Javier Rico