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TenneT does yr’s largest GB: EUR1bn 2x oversubs / EUR150m retail GB from Belgian co. Shanks / Nelja Energia EUR50m 1st ever East EU GB / ABN Amro & ANZ Bank get Certified / on way: Latvia, LA Green City / Moody’s to get involved

This week Dutch transmission grid corporate TenneT broke this year’s record for largest green bond issuance with an impressive EUR1bn deal.

Briljant! ABN AMRO debuts with green property bond, 1st euro zone Certified Climate Bond! Huge roadshow success sees deal upsized to EUR500m ($556m) yet still oversubscribed by x2 with EUR1bn of orders! 5yr, A2/A, 0.75%

Netherlands State-owned bank ABN AMRO has just closed a EUR500m ($556m) green property bond deal – the first euro zone green bond to be certified under the

Three of the leading professional assurance firms (EY, KPMG, PwC) + Bureau Veritas and others come together to discuss assurance and how the updated version of the Climate Bond Standard can address risks around environmental performance in green bonds

By Justine Leigh-Bell, Manager of Standards and Certification Scheme

Q1 rpt in Chinese: 2015年国际绿色债劵市场第一季度小结: 第一季市场慢热,但预期本年度市场将快速成长; 市场进一步成熟,更多不同货币及评级的债劵涌现; 新兴市场绿色债券急剧增长/绿色市政债券蓬勃发展


2015年第一季度内,市场上合共发行44宗绿色债券(总计72 亿美元)。虽然1月份发行数量较少,但随后市场逐步增长,单计3月份市场共发行了三倍于1月份的绿色债劵。按照目前市场上正准备发行的绿色债劵数量,以及预期市场于第三及第四季度将会因联合国气候变化公约缔约方会议(UN COP)变得更加炽热,我们预测2015年将是有史以来绿色债劵发行量最高的一年。