The Basic Chemicals Criteria lay out the requirements that Basic Chemicals production asset, projects must meet to be eligible for inclusion in a Certified Climate Bond and for companies on a credible transition path to issue transition labelled debt. The Criteria contain Mitigation Requirements, Adaptation & Resilience Requirements and Transition Requirements. Bonds and loans linked to these eligible assets and projects will be aligned with the Paris Agreement 1.5 degree celsius limit.
Public consultation is scheduled for launch with this webinar and will last for 60 days.
Moderator: Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Marian Rodriguez, Sustainability Analyst, Climate Bonds Initiative
- Elias Martínez, Technical Lead Basic Chemicals Criteria
- Fredric Bauer, Associate senior lecturer in Technology and society; Researcher at the division on Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University.
- Kristin Marshall, Senior Research Associate at Lux Research