China: 中国: Jiangsu Financial Leasing: 江苏金融租赁: New GB for Floating Solar Parks: 为浮动太阳能园区发行的新绿债: Successful offering in the domestic market 成功供应国内市场

Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.'s RMB1bn Climate Bonds Certified Green Bond launch 江苏金融租赁股份有限公司发行10亿元人民币认证绿色债券  

Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. successfully booked its first green bonds in April 2019. The Climate Bonds Certified issuance marks a new stage in the development of the domestic green finance sector attracting strong local investor interest. 江苏金融租赁股份有限公司 2019年第一期绿色金融债券成功簿记建档。气候债券认证发行标志着国内绿色金融业发展的新阶段,吸引了当地投资者的浓厚兴趣。

The green issuance by Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co. Ltd is the first green bond offered in China’s onshore market that has obtained both domestic and foreign green certifications. 江苏金融租赁股份有限公司的绿债发行是中国境内首单通过国内及国外双重绿色认证的债券产品。

China Chengxin (CCX) provided Verification for the bond, which was oversubscribed by domestic and foreign investment institutions. 中国诚信信用管理股份有限公司(CCX)为该债券提供了验证,该债券被国内外投资机构超额认购。​

The use of proceeds will be in line with the “Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue” and the Solar Energy Sector Criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard. 募集资金的使用将符合绿色债券支持项目目录(2015年版)和气候债券标准Climate Bonds Standard下的太阳能行业标准。


World’s Largest Floating Solar Park

This is the first Climate Bonds Certified Bond to support floating solar farms on freshwater bodies. This includes the largest floating solar park in the world so far, which is located in Huainan City, Anhui Province, China. 这是第一个支持浮动太阳能农场的气候债券认证债券。这包括目前世界上最大的浮动太阳能园区,位于中国安徽省淮南市。​

It has a total installed capacity of 150MW and became fully operational in 2018. The solar park was developed by Three Gorges New Energy, a subsidiary of Three Gorges Corporation, which previously issued a Wind Energy related Climate Bonds Certified Bond in July 2017它的总装机容量为150兆瓦,并于2018年全面投入运营。太阳能园区由三峡公司的子公司三峡新能源有限公司,该公司此前于2017年7月发布了风能相关的气候债券认证债券。​

Two other solar facilities are built on land above abandoned and collapsed coal mines. One solar PV facility is built over a freshwater fishpond. 另外两个太阳能设施建在废弃和坍塌的煤矿上方的土地上。一个太阳能光伏设施建在淡水鱼塘上。​

Altogether, the nominated projects amount to a total capacity of 510MW in solar PV generation. 提名项目的太阳能光伏发电总容量为510兆瓦。​


Who’s saying what? 讨论

Shen Shuangbo, Vice President of China Chengxin Credit Management Co., Ltd. (CCX)中国诚信信用管理股份有限公司(简称“中诚信”)副总裁沈双波表示:​

“Since CCX became a Climate Bonds Approved Verifier in May 2017, it has been working closely with Climate Bonds on market research and green bond Certification.” 中诚信自20175月成为CBI认可的绿债核查机构以来,始终与CBI在市场研究和绿债认证业务方面保持紧密合作。

“Climate Bonds Standard is a green bond standard widely used in the international market. CCX is the first Verifier in China to help get a domestic green bond Certified against the Climate Bonds Standard." 气候债券标准是国际市场广泛应用的绿债认证标准,中诚信本次对标国际标准为境内绿债进行贴标认证,为境内首单。

"The issuance of this green debt has greatly deepened the understanding of investors with green preferences on China's domestic green debts; it has also played a key role in demonstrating the financing of domestic green industry projects, which will help the long-term development of the market.” 本次绿债的发行极大加深了具有绿色偏好的国际投资者对我国境内绿债的了解,同时对国内绿色产业项目的融资起到了良好的示范作用,有助于市场的长期发展。


Sean Kidney, CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative: 气候债券倡议组织CBI首席执行官Sean Kidney表示:

"This domestic green issuance from Jiangsu Financial Leasing has set a new example. It is the first green bond in China’s domestic market that is Certified by Climate Bonds, with the proceeds being used for Chinese solar assets. Congratulations to Jiangsu Financial Leasing, they are leading the way in financing domestic clean energy assets and projects." “江苏金融租赁的这次境内绿色债券发行具有突破性意义。该债券是通过气候债券标准(Climate Bond Standard, CBS)认证的首单中国境内绿色债券,其募集资金将用于符合CBS标准的绿色资产,祝贺江苏金融租赁,他们为国内清洁能源项目的融资作出了示范。”​


The Last Word 附言

Our Green Bonds State of the Market 2018 report ranks China at No.2 in the labelled green bond markets and continues to grow its green investment space. 我们的绿色债券2018年市场状况报告将中国列为绿色债券市场的第二名,并继续增加其绿色投资空间。​

Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. has adopted best practice global standards with this successful issuance. 江苏金融租赁股份有限公司通过此次成功发行采用了最佳实践全球标准。​

We commend their efforts and look to other participants in the market to follow their example. 我们赞扬他们的努力,并期待市场上的其他参与者效仿他们的榜样。​


'Till next time, 祝阅读愉快!

Climate Bonds 气候债券倡议组织