European Climate Foundation (ECF)

EU Taxonomy Explored: Talks with TEG Experts: No 2: Low Carbon Buildings

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EU Taxonomy Explored: Talks with TEG Experts: No 2: Low Carbon Buildings

Buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of carbon emissions. Lowering the carbon intensity of the built environment in cities and urban areas needs significant investment. Join Sean Kidney, Ursula Hartenberger and Fabrizio Varriale as they discuss the challenges of driving capital towards sunstainable buildings and net-zero by 2050 and the opportunties opened by the EU taxonomy,

EU Taxonomy Explored: Talks with TEG Experts: No 1: Introduction

The Launch of EU Taxonomy marks a foundational change in how instiutional investors, asset managers and corporates will assess and determine low carbon investments directions, climate risks and new opportunities. The taxonomy has implications far wider than the EU and will gradually influence regulatory standards, regional guidelines and investor behaviour in multiple jurisdictions. Sean Kidney and guests discuss the implications in the first of a series of webinars on the EU Taxonomy.