
A history lesson for Green Banks

A discussion paper released today by the Climate Bonds Initiative reviews experiences with State infrastructure banks in Europe and the US. The paper says that there are a wide range of financial engineering options that a Green Infrastructure Bank could use to to leverage public funds to support an increased flow of private investment into clean energy and climate change mitigation projects.

EIB has to green itself if it wants to be channel for EU climate funds

The Climate Bonds Initiative called today for the "greening" of the European Investment Bank (EIB). The call was in response to the EIB's push this week to become the main route for EU climate cash to the developing world.

Speaking in London's Canary Wharf, Climate Bonds Initiative Chair Sean Kidney said: "We support the bank becoming a conduit for European Union climate financing; climate investment banks will be a key part the financing of a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy".

Nomura selling Nordic IB enviro bonds

Nomura Securities Co. has announced that it will start selling environment-related bonds issued by Nordic Investment Bank on January 22.

Nordic's three-year bonds will be available in the New Zealand dollar and South African rand, with funds expected to be applied to loans for renewable energy and many other environmental projects.

Japanese media are referring to the bonds as "green bonds", a sign of local interest in such issues.