Climate Bonds諮問委員会委員に藤井良広教授(上智大学)が就任 / New Climate Bonds Advisory Board member: Prof Yoshihiro Fujii of Tokyo’s Sophia University



Yoshihiro Fufii is a professor at the Sophia University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies in Tokyo. He is also Chair of the Ministry for Environment’s Committee on Market Creation for Promoting Green Investment and Corporate Auditor of Taiyo Life under the umbrella of T&D Holdings

Prof. Fujii is a former senior finance journalist at Japan’s leading financial newspaper, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and a former visiting scholar at Oxford University.

Publications include Knowledge of the EU (2010), Progressive Environmental Risk management for financial institutions (2010), Theory and Practice for Carbon Liabilities (2009), The Practice for Environmental Liabilities (2008), Financial NPO (2007), The Global Environment Understood through Finance (2005) and “Theory of Environmental Finance” (2013).